Office News

Early Leave:-
Announcements will not be made during class time and we ask that if you know you will be collecting your child early, to please notify the office either by phone 57922611 or via email: prior to recess or lunch to avoid further interruptions. Announcements occur 5 minutes prior to recess (11.50am) and 5 minutes prior to lunch (1.20pm). We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Also… when emailing your child’s teacher regarding an absence, please cc the Office in:- That way we can assist the class teacher during their busy day with absentee accuracy.
Arriving Late:-
If your child/children are arriving late to school, please have them sign in at the office (this will eliminate parent absentee sms messages if your child did not attend homeroom).
Lost & Found …
Please ensure that your child’s items are clearly labelled.
Please encourage students to visit the Office and give a description of any lost items.
Label it or lose it… we would rather return it 😊
- Please note: we have a number of towels and other items from yesterday's swimming carnival. If you are missing any items, please contact the College Office.