Term Planner  & Events 

Upcoming Events

Classroom Information night & PBS Launch Party

Families are welcome to attend our classroom information sessions and PBS launch party. 

3:30 – 4pm – Classroom information sessions.

4:15-5:45 -Positive Behaviour Support launch party. Includes face painting, bubbles, foam cannon and a free sausage sizzle. 

Students cannot participate without parent supervision. 

Before and After School Sport 

Running Club will return from Week 4.  8:00am-8:30am Wednesday to Friday. - All Years 


After school Basketball - From Week 5, Wednesday 3:00pm - 4:30pm - Year 3-6 


After school netball - From Week 5, Thursday 3:00pm - 4:30pm netball - Year 3-6


Year 3's and year 4-6's that did not participate last year will need to collect a permission slip from the front office and return it to Mr Lee before commencing after school netball or basketball. 

Harmony Day - Multicultural Lunch

FRIDAY, 21ST March @ 12.45pm

We would like to invite you to a Family Multicultural Lunch at Marangaroo Primary School.

We would like to have as many different types of cultural food for the students to experience as possible. Each child would bring in a dish from their chosen country.

Music and lunch would be eaten from the undercover area with everyone joining in together to enjoy the event.

Students, staff and parents are encouraged to dress in the colour orange for HARMONY, but if you have traditional costumes, please wear it with pride.

More information will be available in the coming weeks, but for now please mark the day in your diary.

If you would like to be involved in assisting with this event, please come and see me.

Thanks for your continued support.


Mrs Rogers

Health and Wellbeing Leader


Term 1 Planner

Important Dates 2025

Please be aware that some of the dates listed in Terms 2, 3 & 4 are subject to change. You will receive updated planners at the beginning of each term which have more firmer dates included. Please be aware that the sports carnival dates in Term 3 are subject to change at short notice depending on weather forecasts.