Student Learning

Blitz: Our Foundation students have been working hard at Blitz already and 6 of them have already passed Level 1! Well done!
Reading: Foundation students have been looking at the difference between sounds and words and have increased their sound bank to 'sat pin', which means now they can make and manipulate their sounds to make lots of words. Great excitement at this!
Maths: they are looking at different shapes and today they've been making different objects out of shapes.
Skill zone: The students played Madagascar and Cat & Mouse. All students are participating with big smiles.
Year 1/2
Reading: The students looked at the 'ng' digraph and worked together to generate a list of words containing this digraph.
Writing: Using their imagination, the students drew pictures and labelled them with adjectives.
Math: The students used the 'Problem Solving Wheel' to explore different ways of arranging a 3 x 3 tile grid, ensuring no two tiles of the same colour were placed next to each other.
PE: This week in PE, the students had fun playing a game of 'Rob the Nest' and 'Octopus.'
Year 3/4
Our Year 3/4 students have been working on Problem Solving in maths! They have been working on sub goals and finding the key information in the problem. Students worked well together and showed all their working out in their books.
Year 5/6
Our Year 6 students are always very eager to meet their Prep buddies. Many have lots of good memories about the buddy they had when they were in Prep. Year 6 students have now had the opportunity to meet their buddy and have been enjoying doing some activities with them.