School Uniform

As per our Uniform Policy all students are expected to be in full school uniform each day, all uniform items are available for purchase at Worklocker in Cobram. Our uniform includes our monogrammed school polo and jumper, bottle green or grey shorts/pants, grey or white socks and black shoes. Black shorts, bike shorts and leggings are not acceptable school uniform items. Students must also wear a wide-brimmed bottle green school hat when outside during Term 1 and 4 as per our SunSmart Policy.


The below procedure will be followed for students arriving out of uniform -

1st time - Parents contacted via note

2nd time - Parents contacted via phone

3rd time - Parents requested to attend meeting regarding uniform


Importance of school uniforms -


Student security at school - intruders are easily noticed.

Attitude to study - helps students to remember that school is primarily a place for work and learning. Students must come to school dressed as a student to be a student.

Safety and accountability outside school - students are easily identifiable on excursions and when travelling to and from school.

Student unity - helps to develop a school spirit and culture; facilitates a positive image in the community.

Expense and equity - reduces pressure to buy the latest trends in clothing and does not go out of fashion in a couple of months.


We ask all families to assist us in ensuring students are in full school uniform. If you have any questions about uniforms please contact the office.