
Our EMMAC Competition has commenced for 2025. EMMAC, Every Minute Matters At Cobram, helps to instil the importance of school attendance in our students. It is a friendly competition between the classes, with the class who has the best attendance each term being rewarded with an excursion to the Cobram Cinema. 


Currently Foundation B are in the lead, starting the year off with excellent attendance! 


We ask all families to ensure that students are at school every day and on time. We understand that students who are ill need to stay home, and when this happens parents are asked to notify the school either by compass or phone. Appointments should be made after school hours as much as possible. 


Each day every class at Cobram Primary School starts their day with our reading workshop, and students who are late regularly, are missing important instruction time. This means that they are entering the classroom, disrupting the class and finding it difficult start their learning. You can help your child to arrive at school on time.  


Thank you to all our families for assisting us in educating our students by ensuring they are attending school.