Welcome to Careers News
St. Joseph's College
Welcome to Careers News
St. Joseph's College
VCE Careers Expo - Melbourne: Friday 2nd May (All VCE Year 12 students will attend)
Avalon Air Show: 25th - 30th March (Avalon Airport)
Careers Centre:
The Careers centre is opened all day in Downstairs Delany. Students are encouraged to visit the Careers centre to talk to staff about employment opportunities, review the many pamphlets that are available to them or obtain assistance where with their pathway.
Year 12 Pathway Interviews:
All Year 12 students are asked to book an appointment with Mrs Crossman to discuss their Pathway. Please select a time when you have either a study period or before and after school, lunch or recess. Parents are welcome to attend. Email Mrs Crossman with a time: bcrossman@sje.vic.edu.au
Mrs Crossman is available for Career appointments in the careers centre. The Work Related Skills Team are also available to assist you with any queries you may have re employment opportunities, work experience, structured work place learning, resumes etc. Please email the work related skills team for an appointment.