From the Leadership Team

Leila Mattner, Graham Buxton and Jessica Robinson

New Children and Families 

We extend a very warm welcome to our new families for 2025. We have a number of children joining us in years levels across the school, and tomorrow marks the first full day for our Reception children who are beginning in 2025, after a number of shorter visits over the past week. 

Bless you all as you join our community! 

School Visitors 

At St Paul, we have guidelines about who has access to classrooms during the school day, for child safety and emergency procedures. This means all visitors are signed in at the office as helping as a volunteer in the school between 9am and 3pm. If you need to drop something off to your child after 9am or before 3pm, please visit the office and ask for us to take it to the classroom. 

If you are collecting a child early for the day, it is also important that you come to the office and ask for your child to be collected from the office. ALL VISITORS to the school before 3pm are asked to speak to our office staff first. Parents collecting children at the end of the school day will be able to gain access to the school from 3pm onwards. 

Staff Installation 

Wednesday morning Chapel will be led by Pastor Matt Bishop, with the installation of our new staff members: Scarlett Gawkowski, Katie Hawke and Sharon Pearce. Parents and Caregivers are warmly invited to join us for worship at 9:30am on Wednesday. 

Parent Information Night 

We strongly encourage all parents and caregivers to attend our Parent Information sessions. This is a great opportunity to connect with your child’s 2025 teacher, as well as to hear about some whole school initiatives in the combined information session. 

There will be two sessions for each year level which will take place in classrooms. Session content will be the same for both session 1 and 2 to allow for parents with more than one child to attend multiple sessions. 

Please note that there will be no child-minding provided on these nights. 


Tuesday 11 February – Reception to Year 2 

5:30pm – 6:15pm: Session 1 in classrooms 

6:15pm – 6:45pm: R to 2 Combined Information Session in the Church

6:45pm – 7:30pm: Session 2 in classrooms (information repeated from session1) 


Wednesday 12 February – Year 3 to Year 6 

5:30pm – 6:15pm: Session 1 in classrooms 

6:15pm – 6:45pm: Year 3 to Year 6 Combined Information Session in the Church

6:45pm – 7:30pm: Session 2 in classrooms (information repeated from session 1)