General News

School Saving Bonus - How to Use It
Your School Saving Bonus can be used to pay for school activities such as camps, incursions, excursions and swimming, or uniform.
To learn how to access and use your bonus, click the link to watch a simple instructional video: School Saving Bonus on Vimeo.
If your unique PIN from the Department of Education has expired, click here to lodge an enquiry.
Once you have allocated your $400 bonus, the selected amounts will appear as a credit on your Toorak Primary School statement. The office will then apply the credit to Compass activity payments as they arise.
Please note: The bonus cannot be used for curriculum contributions.
School Photos
Our new school photo supplier, MSP, will be visiting Toorak Primary School for school photos on the following dates:
Individual student photos Tuesday 18 February
Sibling photos – Thursday 27 February
All students will have their photo taken regardless of payment. Orders open on Compass Thursday 6 February.
Meet and Greet Parent Interviews
Our Grade 1 to 6 Parent/Teacher ‘Meet and Greets' are on Wednesday 12 February from 12:30pm to 4:40pm. Book via Compass by Monday 10 February at 4pm. Meetings are in person or online via WebEx. While staff attend Meet and Greets, students will enjoy and afternoon of tabloid sports. Be sure to consent and pay for the event on Compass by Monday 10 February. Please note, your school bonus cannot be used for this event.
Lunch Orders
Lunch orders are available on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Click here for ordering instructions and to view the menu.
Enjoy a Healthy Start to the Day!
Breakfast Club will run every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 8:45 am to 8:55 am before school starts.
Students can grab a free apple, milk, or fruit cup from the canteen window to start their day!
Assembly New Day and Time
Join us every Wednesday at 3:00 pm for our School Assembly, held outside (weather permitting).
Our Foundation students will begin attending from Wednesday, 5 March—we look forward to welcoming them!
Welcome Picnic
Join us for our Welcome Picnic on Wednesday 19 February from 5pm to 7pm! Bring a picnic, enjoy the fun activities (photo booth, face painting, sausage sizzle, karaoke, and balloon modeling) and catch up with new and old friends.
Uniform Ordering
School uniform is ordered online through State Schools’ Relief. Click here to purchase. Uniform is sent to your home.
Farewell to Olga
We say a heartfelt goodbye to Olga, who has been a valued member of our school community for the past 18 months. Olga has contributed greatly to our school in both office administration and as a teacher’s aide, always bringing warmth and dedication to her roles. Olga is moving on to an ongoing position at Clayton South Primary School, and while we will miss her, we wish her all the best in this exciting new chapter.
We Need Your Help!
The second-hand uniform stall is seeking volunteers to help with the Uniform Stall. If you would like to help, please email the school at
2025 School Payments
Our 2025 School Payments are now up on Compass under Course Confirmations/ payments.
Click here for a detailed description of the 2025 Parent Payments. We welcome your contribution!
Curriculum Day 2025
Our first Curriculun Day for 2025 will be on Tuesday 4 March. Students are not required at school.
Strike Soccer
Girls After School Soccer Program
Strike soccer will run an after school girls program in Brookville Gardens from 3.30pm to 4.30pm.
Mixed After School Soccer Program
Thursday 3.30pm to 4.30pm on Brookville Gardens. Enrol for a free trial on their website at or phone 0405 765 943
School Chess Program
Mindfull Chess run a lunchtime program each Tuesday in the library. Click here for an enrolment form.
Young Engineers
Young Engineers – STEM, Lego Engineering & Robotics Bookings are now open for Term 1 2025! Click herefor enrolment information.
After School Art Lessons
After School Art Classes
Is your child an art fanatic? The Happi Project runs after school art classes in the TPS art room for prep to grade 6 children on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday's from 3.45pm to 5.15pm. Click here for an enrolment form.