Year 5/6

In Grade 5/6 this week students have really started to improve their habits, output and the quality of work during class time. After refreshing what they know about place value and times tables they have been learning how to do long multiplication in our Maths sessions. I have been really proud of the way our students have put in the effort to learn this and have understood that they will make mistakes in order to understand the concept.

Sharing our homework was a highlight of the week for me. The premise of interviewing a family member about a memorable story was very entertaining to say the least!

Some musings from our 5/6 student's this week.


Hi, my name is Leilani and I'll be telling you about our school assemblies. In our assemblies students from all different ages and classes come up and present what they have learned and enjoyed throughout the weeks. We also sing the National Anthem, birthday songs, say a prayer and we listen quietly to the announcements. It’s great to see so many different and beautiful families attending our school assemblies.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at our next assembly on Friday the 28th of February at 2:40 pm in St Mary’s school library.


Written by Leilani


This week our class has been doing lots of hard work. We have been working hard on Maths, Writing, and Reading. We have also been working hard in R.E and Inquiry. Our class has been really, really  resilient in sport, Art, science and music! We like both of our teachers: Mrs Berry and Mr. O just as much as each other!


Written by Livinia