Parents and Friends

All are welcome to join our school P&F Committee. If you would like to be involved, please e mail me or come along to our next meeting.  If you are unable to attend our monthly meetings due to work or other commitments, please feel free to email me and I will add you to the group so you can receive the meeting agendas and minutes or share any ideas. 

We are very keen to have new members join to help support the volunteer work we do to organise fundraising events and social events for our school and community. 

Next P&F Meeting:

Our first P&F meeting for this year held on Wednesday of this week was a great opportunity to reconnect, welcome new members and kickstart our year with planning for term one!  Thank you to all those who were able to come along!

Our next meeting will be held on Monday 24th March from 3:15pm-4pm after school pick up.  All welcome!  Afternoon tea provided! Please meet at the school library, via the school office (to sign in).

We are planning to alternate our meetings between Wednesdays and Mondays and vary the times to help accommodate more people.  We may even introduce another day/time!


Toast is available each morning for all students who would like some extra fuel before they begin the school day.  Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers who prepare and serve the toast each morning and to those who collect the bread as well as top up the supplies!  If you would like to join the roster, please let myself or Jo Lawrence know or you can pass your name onto Krystal in the office. 


Student Special Lunch Day:

Each term, our students have the opportunity to enjoy a special lunch organised by the P&F Committee. 

Term One Student Special Lunch Day – Salad Roll or Salad Bowl Day!  Friday 4th April.  Lunch will be served to students early on this final day of term (due to the early finish time on that day) – 12:30 to 1pm, followed by early afternoon play and then our final assembly including our Easter Raffle (see details below!). Should be a fun finish to the term! 

Students are to bring along a plastic plate or plastic bowl (and fork) for their lunch please. 

There will be a choice between rolls, wraps or a bowl of salad and students can select the salad items they would like.  Salad items will include cheese, lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, capsicum and egg as well as a selection of condiments. 

There will be a gold coin donation collected for this lunch, to help cover some of the costs. 

Students who would prefer not to have this special lunch may of course bring their own packed lunch as per usual.

Sushi Lunch Orders:

Every Friday, students have the opportunity to have a sushi lunch order provided by Lunch Box Sushi Castlemaine.  If you would like to organise this for your child/ren, please jump online to School lunch online to organise ordering. Orders need to be place prior to 5pm each Thursday afternoon.


Second Hand Uniforms:

Second hand uniforms are available from the school office should you require any.  Please also donate any uniform items you may no longer need for others to use.  Thank you! (New uniform items can be purchased from Hip Pocket Castlemaine).


Term One St Mary’s Parents and Carers Catch Up:

Friday 21st March from 7pm onwards at The Tap Room-Shed Shaker, The Mill, Castlemaine. 

All welcome to join for a drink and/or a meal and a chat. Come along, catch up, connect and meet some new members of our community!

RSVP: Clare by Friday 14th March. Thank you.

Term One Fundraiser – St Mary’s Annual Easter Raffle:

Eater time is just around the corner – hard to believe! Each year, we hold an Easter raffle to fundraise for our P&F committee.  Our school fair last year was focused on raising funds for a new sensory garden to be established in our beautiful school grounds for our students.  By selling tickets for our Easter raffle, we can raise further funds to contribute to the achievement of this goal! 

A raffle book of tickets will be sent home to each family soon.  More books will be available from the office should you want to purchase more or share them with family and friends. 

We are seeking donations of prizes and asking, if you are able to, to please contribute an Easter themed item per student or family.  These items can be edible such as chocolates, eggs or cookies or non-edible for example stationary, mugs, art and craft, toys etc.

These donations will be collected and wrapped into the raffle prizes.  Your support is greatly appreciated and will enable us to prepare many prizes to spread the fun and joy! 

(A box will be set up soon in the foyer area for these to be placed).

The raffle will be drawn on Friday 4th April (our final day of term) at our school assembly at 1:45pm.

 Parents of St Mary's Facebook page:


Clare Grainger

P&F Committee President