Message from Leadership

It has been a busy first month here at St Mary’s - Our positive start to the school year has continued over the last fortnight and it has been wonderful seeing students across all year levels so settled and engaged in their learning. 


A particular highlight was our Meet the Teacher conferences and the Welcome BBQ last week. These events served as a great opportunity to put names to faces and begin that initial partnership between home and school. Thank you to all the families that were able to make it on these nights.  

Looking ahead

We are thrilled to announce that our long-awaited Sensory Garden Project is about to kick off, and we need your help to make it a reality! This project will provide a sensory-rich and imaginative play space for our students, where they can connect with nature, explore their senses, and benefit from a calming, interactive environment.


Calling All Helpers: Join Our Planning Committee

To get started, we are forming a Planning Committee that will meet on Saturday March 1st at 10:30am in the school library. This committee will play a vital role in deciding the layout, design, and elements of the garden, as well as organizing the logistics for our upcoming working bee. If you have ideas, experience, or a passion for gardening and landscaping, design, project planning, or other skills that you would like to offer, we would love to have you involved. 


Once we’ve made our plans, it will be time to roll up our sleeves and bring our vision to life! We’ll need a helping hand from our school community to put everything into action. Our Working Bee will be scheduled after the planning phase, and we’ll provide more details soon. Whether you have gardening skills, construction know-how, or just a willingness to pitch in, we encourage all hands to help!


If you're interested in joining the planning committee please reach out to the school office so I have numbers to cater for morning tea on the day. Thank you in advance for your support and involvement.

Student uniform 

Students are currently expected to be wearing our summer uniform and it is compulsory. It gives the students a sense of belonging and pride in their school. Students need to wear ALL BLACK (with no markings) shoes each day. If this is not possible, please address a note to the class teacher or leave a message at the office which will be passed on to me on the day. 

Sports uniform is to be worn on Tuesdays when we have Physical Education classes, Black runners are to be worn as part of the sports uniform. 


Students with long hair (shoulder length or longer) must be tied back. Navy blue hair ties/ribbons are allowed.  Nail polish is not allowed. For safety reasons we ask that students wear minimal or no jewellery, this also prevents the problem of expensive or sentimental items being lost.

Bell times 

Learning sessions and lunch times are as follows:


Morning Bell: 8:45am 

Roll Mark: 8:45am to 8:55am

Session 1: 8:55am to 9:55am

Session 2: 9:55am to 10:55am

Eating time and Recess play: 10:55am to 11:35am

Session 3: 11:35am to 12:35pm

Session 4: 12:35pm to 1:35pm

Eating time and Lunch play: 1:35pm to 2:15pm

Session 5: 2:15pm to 3:15pm


School bell in the morning rings at 8:45am and classes begin at 8:55am. Please make sure your child gets to school before the school bell. Students arriving at school after 8:55am must be accompanied by the parent/carer to be signed into the office and will receive a late pass to be documented on the roll. 


Thank you all for your continued support and involvement. Have a great weekend.



Anushka Vaz