Education in Faith

Sunday 9th September
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Gospel - Mark 7: 31-37
‘Jesus heals the deaf man.’
The gift of hearing is one of those things most of us take for granted – unless we have a hearing impairment. Take some time this week to reflect on all the wonderful things you hear. Music, the voice of a loved one, children playing, the wind in the trees, waves crashing on the shore
The sense of hearing is astonishing enough, but God wants us to take our hearing beyond the merely physical. For example, how/when/where do you hear God speaking to you?
Jesus’ cure of the deaf man was a sign of God’s great promise. Talk with your children about the things in your family’s life that give happiness, the good things of life that remind us of God’s desire that we be happy. Make it a habit to thank God for all the good things your family experiences each day.
Holy God,
you give us the power to speak so we can tell of you wonderful works.
You give us the power to hear so we can listen to your word.
We give you thanks for your many gifts and for your loving care.
With Christ we give you glory now and forever.