Principal's Report


It’s all very exciting that the 2024 school concert is rapidly approaching.  We’ll be checking the weather forecast over the coming few days, knowing the logistics for everyone will be easier if guests are not contending with rain as they arrive or leave, and easier for any of the classes that will be moving between the Blainey Centre and Founders Hall.  Having said that, it’s looking likely we’ll have some rain on Wednesday and Thursday.


That’s something we can’t control, but we are pulling out all stops to give us the best possible opportunity to put on a good show.  On Friday, all classes (including Scotsburn), will participate in a run through, giving Mr Skilbeck (stage director), Mrs Morgan (artistic director), Mr Muldoon (music) and Mr Rogers (backdrops) the opportunity to understand each act and what they need to do when we get to the rehearsal the following Wednesday.


Last Tuesday our staff toured the facilities we’ll be using at Fed Uni, which was especially useful since many of our current staff were not with us for the last concert in 2018.  We also had quite a few parents and students join us, which will help ease any anxiety some of these students may have been experiencing.


On Friday at our whole school assembly, we all got to see the band perform as a practice run for the concert. 

They have come a long way and did an awesome job.  We also took the opportunity to practise the finale song as a whole school, which was most impressive.  

A big thankyou to parents who have volunteered to help with transporting props, ushering, selling concert recordings and traffic management.  We still need a few more volunteers to fill all jobs, so please give the office a call if you can assist at any of the performances. 


Parent Information Booklet – Once again, we have attached a copy of the updated Parent Information Booklet, which includes most of what you need to know.  Class teachers have sent out specifics related to their act, and you’ll receive any late messages early next week. Following are some remainders for Concert Week.

Concert Week Routine 

·         Arrival and Dismissal Times - This will be as per normal on Wednesday and Thursday.  Students will be bused to Federation University for the Wednesday Rehearsal and Thursday Matinee before being bused back ready for the normal 3:30pm dismissal.  There is no school on Friday.


·         Uniform - Some students may be asked by their class teacher to come in costume on Wednesday and Thursday, which is fine.  Otherwise, children come to school in uniform as per usual. 


Tickets – To speed up the process of filling the auditorium, please come ready to show your ticket, whether that be in electronic form or a printed-out copy.  There will be ushers to direct guests to their seats.


Parking – Please refer to the map on the last page of the Concert Information Booklet.  We will have a trail of balloons to follow from the main car park to Founders Hall, which will stop you getting lost.  It is very important that no-one parks on the grass around Founders Hall, as we don’t want to be responsible for damage to grassed areas. 


Pre-Ordering Video Recordings (on USB) and Sausages – A Compass message was sent out yesterday inviting parents to order these items.  These can now be pre-ordered through QKR. 


The concert is being filmed by Big and Small Productions.  They did an excellent job with our 2018 concert, so we can be confident the concert recording will be of high quality.  A reminder that the Friday performance is the one to be recorded.


Fed Uni is running the BBQ, which is a great opportunity for families to have a bite to eat when arriving at the evening concerts.


Class Photos - Each class will have their photo taken in costume after performing at the Wednesday Rehearsal.  Whilst they won’t be ready to view on Thursday night, we do expect them to be ready to display on the Friday night.  A big thankyou to Josh Crosbie, one of our dads who is volunteering his time to take the class photos.  You will be able to order and pay for class photos at either evening concert (look for the table set up in the foyer), but we’ll also get these on QKR as well when details have been finalised.


Lollies – Please don’t send your children to the concert with lollies.  We want the kids to be settled backstage and being loaded with sugar doesn’t help.


Communicating the Finish Time – Those dropping children off for one of the evening concerts will need to know what time to return to collect their child.  We will send out a Compass message with an estimated finish time once we get towards the end of the program.


Parent Surveys

Thanks to those that have already completed this survey.  For those that haven’t, you now have until Friday August 30.  We’d like to get lots of survey responses, so please consider taking 20 minutes to help us out with this.