From Mrs David's Desk



 Dear Families,


Thank you for your generous support over the last couple of weeks. 


We have had parents and grandparents giving up their time to set up and work on our Father's Day Stall.  They have also organised donations and backdrops for our very successful Trivia Night.


The men in our community came along to support our Father's Day event and visit their child/ren in class. This was a wonderful afternoon!


In the final week of school (Thursday 19th September) we have our Visual Ats Showcase (4:30-7pm) in our school buildings. Everyone is invited to come along and celebrate the magnificent artists that we have at Holy Family. Please bring along a gold coin because our school choir will also be busking to raise money for the Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF).



In the last week of Term 3 school holidays I will be joining other Principals from East Central and North East Regions and we will embark on a Pilgrimage for 10 days. I look forward to sharing this incredible experience with our community on my return.


The Principals have started preparing for this journey and we share our weekend walking experiences to support each other.



El Camino de Santiago: the sacred trail on which pilgrims have walked for over a millennium. Walk the 120km journey through the Spanish countryside and arrive with joy at the resting place of St James the Apostle. 



Our Senior students had a prayerful celebration when they received the Sacrament of Confirmation in the presence of their families, friends and teachers. Thank you to Father Tony Kerin and Father Justel for celebrating this sacrament with our community.


We would like to congratulate the Very Rev Father Tony Kerin EV JCL who has been appointed as the new Vicar General for the Archdiocese of Melbourne.



Families in Years Prep to Year 4 are invited to participate in our School Improvement Survey this year. The survey window has opened and will close on Friday 20th September 2024.


Please read the attached letter which includes further information about the survey.



Year 5/6 Camp

Our Year 5/6 students and staff had an amazing time on camp last week. They travelled by bus to Alexandra and spent 3 days building connections and engaging in fun outdoor activities. I am sure each student came home very tired with many stories to share.


Thank you to our staff for giving up their family time to support our students on camp.


Bully No Way Day- Friday 13th September

Everyone is invited to wear a touch of orange to school on this day.


If there are any families who would like to donate packets of orange jelly for this day, please send to the office.



Footy Colours Day

To celebrate the AFL Finals all students are to wear their football team's colours to school on Friday 20th September (last day of term).


Just a reminder that there is to be no coloured hair spray or face paint worn to school.



Father's Day Celebrations

Thank you to our Parents and Friends and school staff for making last Friday a memorable day for our students and the significant men in their lives.


Our Gathering Space resembled a stocktake sale with our students eager to use their tokens to purchase that special gift for their dad, grandpa, uncle or brother.


In the afternoon, these men were welcomed by our Holy Family School Choir and had the opportunity to spend time in our classrooms.


We hope everyone had a great time!





Our school community would like to congratulate Mrs Santamaria, Rob and Ben on the safe arrival of Luca. We hope he brings many moments of happiness, love and joy!

Soft Plastics Recycling

Just a reminder to collect soft plastics if you are on the roster for this term.

Term 3 Dates



Thursday 5th - Step Into Program

Friday 6th - District Athletics

Friday 6th - Mini Vinnies Conference

Wednesday 11th - Parent Maths Evening (7pm)

Friday 13th - Bully No Way Day (Wear a touch of orange)

Friday 13th - P&F Special Lunch Day

Thursday 19th/Friday 20th - Visual/Media Arts Expo (Busking for Change) 4:30-7pm

Friday 20th - Last day of Term 3 (1pm finish) Footy Colours Day


Term 4 Dates



Monday 7th - Term 4 commences

Wednesday 9th - Division Track and Field

Monday 14th - Division Hot Shots

Monday 14th - Division Softball

Tuesday 15th - Division Volleyball

Wednesday 16th - Division Basketball

Wednesday 16th - Division Cricket

Wednesday 16th - Prep 2025 Information Evening

Tuesday 22nd - Prep 2025 (Transition 1)

Thursday 24th - EMR Track and Field

Friday 25th - Year 1/2 Camp Day (Arrabri Lodge)

Tuesday 29th - Prep 2025 (Transition 2)



Monday 4th - School Closure (Time in Lieu Day for staff)

Tuesday 5th - School Closure (Melbourne Cup Day)

Monday 11th - Remembrance Day

Tuesday 12th - Prep 2025 (Transition 3)

Wednesday 13th - P&F, SAC AGMs

Tuesday 19th - Prep 2025 (Transition 4)

Tuesday 26th - Prep 2025 (Transition 5)

Friday 29th - School Closure Day (2025 Planning)



Monday 2 - Swimming Program (Prep-Year 4)

Thursday 5th - Community Christmas Carols

Friday 13th - End of Year Mass (9:15am)

Monday 16th - Year 6 Big Day Out

Tuesday 17th - Final Assembly (11:30am-1pm)

Tuesday 17th - Last day for students (1pm finish)


Wishing everyone a relaxing weekend,


Mrs David (Principal)