Where kids love to be
Where kids love to be
Co-ordinator: Mimi Lindsey Service hours
Service Phone: 0497791810 Before School Care: 7:00 am - 9:00 am
Email: After School Care: 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Area Manager : Pupil Free Day: 7:00 am - 6:30 pm
TheirCare: 1300 072 410
In Week 5 and 6 we have had the themes music and mindfulness.
Week 5 the theme was music, children had the chance to create their own musical instruments, listen to their Favorite songs and create their own CD Covers.
This week we have been focusing on Mindfulness where children have done a range of activities such as colouring in, reading books, meditation and yoga.
Children have been getting involved with preparing afternoon tea!!
Making Musical instruments out of recycled materials we could find around the room
26th August – 30th August
The theme for the week with be “Our Five Senses’
We have started an incentive called TC Tucker. Each week we will be doing a cooking/non cooking experience with the children. Next week we are doing Sushi sandwiches and looking at the Origin of sushi!
If you would like your child to attend our service, it is essential that you have booked them in through FullyBooked!