
Last Thursday we celebrated the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Mary was assumed in her fullness body and soul, to join God. There is a long tradition of celebrating what was called the dormination (or falling asleep) of Mary, the Mother of God. The Church has always believed that Mary, the Holy One, was united with her Son.
Let us Pray...
Father in heaven,
all creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life.
In the plan of your wisdom
Mary who bore the Christ
was raised in glory to be with him in heaven.
May we follow her example reflecting you holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.
As we celebrate the Assumption,
may we follow her example of faith, humility and obedience.
Grant us to seek your will in all things
as we look forward to the day when we too
share in the glory of teh resurrection.
Through Christ our Lord,
Reference: Adapted from Catholic Diocese of Cairns; Catholic Online and OLGC newsletter