Whole school Production

Please ensure children are at Emerald Secondary College at 6.30pm
Production week has finally arrived! Here are a few last-minute reminders for all families…
- Students need to be dropped off at Emerald Secondary college at 6.30 pm in their costumes. It would be helpful if they could also wear some foundation makeup (if you have it available at home), as this often prevents students from appearing washed out under the stage lights.
- The performance will begin at 7pm. Doors will open at 6.45pm to enable the audience to find a seat. There will be people available to assist with this.
- The performance will be filmed, and all families will receive a private YouTube link to access the edited footage, next term. Photos of all students will be taken at the dress rehearsal, and they will also receive a copy of their photo next term. Please do not film or take photos during the performance as this is very distracting for the performers and the audience.
- Any costumes that have been lent to students by the school need to be returned back to the students’ classrooms by the end of third term.
For those still wanting tickets - ticket limits have now been removed. Tickets on sale here
Thanks to the Menzies Creek Community for your support of all the staff and students during our preparations for the production. We hope you enjoy the performance!