Koorie Education 

& Engagement

Koorie students of EMC visit a local day care.


On Thursday 5th September the Koorie students of EMC visited a local day care.

At the childcare centre the students were in 2 groups; 3-year-old and 4-year-old kinder classes where they played traditional games. The students explained to the kids a little about each game, showed them how to play and then it was up to the kinder kids to play. 

The students took the lead, the kinder kids had so much fun playing the games,

afterwards we had some free time were the kinder kids got to show the students books and toys. There were a few tears when we had to leave, and the educators also had a great time learning different games that they said they would incorporate into their days. 


Koorie Emerging Leader in Schools (KELiS)

On Wednesday 11th September students and members of the Koorie Education and Engagement team wen along to Mt Erin Secondary College for the Koorie Emerging Leader in Schools (KELiS) Term 3 meeting. KELiS brings secondary school students from the Bayside Peninsula area together to build the capacity of Koorie students in leadership skills, cultural connection and advocacy skills to build their confidence to use their voice in their own respective schools.





The focus of the day was culture, leadership and networking. We met Jarrod Stains from Victorian Aboriginal Education Association where we heard an inspiring talk about his childhood and upbringing and how he ended up working with the Richmond Football Club. 


The students were involved in workshops and yarning circles with headspace. 


  • Koorie Emerging Leaders in Schools @ Western Port SC - 15/10
  • EMC Koorie Christmas - 5/12