Deputy Principal

Father's Day

It was wonderful to have our Dad's and special men/people be able to make it into our classrooms on Thursday morning and also attend the Father's Day Paraliturgy. Thank you to the Year 3 children, Mrs Richardson, Mrs De Iuliis and Mr O'Shea, for organising a beautiful Paraliturgy for our Dad's and special men/people. Thanks to those Dad's who were able to stay on for a chat and Morning Tea afterwards. Special thanks to the Year 3 parents for serving Morning Tea. 


Thank you to the PA Executive and the Year 3 Parents for organising our Father's Day stall. The children thoroughly enjoyed the shopping experience and the opportunity to choose the perfect gift for their Dad or special men/person in their lives. 


Learning Diversity at Sacred Heart Kew

At Sacred Heart Kew we know that not every child learns at the same pace. Some children may require extra support or time to master taught skills. Our teachers differentiate and personalise the curriculum each day, catering for the individual needs of each child within their classroom. Our teachers identify and target each students’ interests and abilities across all learning areas, providing engaging and enriching experiences. Our teachers utilise students pre and post testing data, regularly monitoring and reviewing students learning progress during the year. Our students are provided extension and or support based on their individual learning needs.  


Our Learning Diversity Leader works in partnership with our classroom teachers to develop Personal Learning Plans (PLP’s) for students who require additional learning support. Personalised Learning Plans are designed to support the academic, social and emotional needs of our children. Program Support Group (PSG) meetings are facilitated throughout the course of the school year, and teachers and parents meet regularly to discuss and develop these plans. Our team of Learning Support Officers (LSO’s) also provide additional support to our teachers and students within the classroom setting. 


A Program Support Group (PSG) brings together key people involved in your child’s holistic education. It is a partnership between you and your child, school representatives and, where relevant, invited professionals. The PSG works together to guide the planning and implementation of inclusive educational practices for your child. The members of the PSG meet on a regular basis to develop plans, adjustments and interventions that reflect a common understanding of your child’s needs. 


It is fundamental to the success of the PSG that all participants adhere to the following meeting protocols:


• meetings are collaborative in decision-making 

• meetings are respectful and positive in tone 

• there is an opportunity for all voices to be heard


Thank you for your ongoing support of all that we do here at Sacred Heart Kew.


MACSSIS Family School Improvement Survey


Our school is participating in Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools - School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen to the thoughts and feelings that students, families and staff have about how their school can improve. These surveys help inform the ongoing improvement of schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne.


One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in our school. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights on areas that each school can focus on. Our school believes it is important to encourage families to have a voice and contribute to shaping the ongoing improvement of the school.


The survey is available online and can be accessed from next Monday 2 September and needs to be completed by Friday 20 September 2024. This survey may only be completed once.


For families with more than one child attending our school, we ask that you focus on the eldest child attending the school when completing the survey. The school has invited many families to respond via this survey and participation is completely voluntary. There are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers - all responses are completely anonymous and at no point are any of the responses from students, families or staff identifiable by the school.


The survey is available in English, Arabic, Assyrian, Chaldean, simplified and traditional Chinese, Dinka, Falam, Hakha Chin, Karen, Tagalog, Vietnamese and Zomi.


Families will receive an email on Monday 2 September with instructions on how to access the survey and a personal identification number (PIN).


Thank you for your participation in the MACSSIS family survey.

School Uniform

A reminder to ensure your child is wearing the correct Sacred Heart School Uniform, including socks and shoes. The Sacred Heart School Uniform is a uniform that we hope students wear with pride. We thank you for your support in this area.