Weekes' Weekly News

Learning, growing and celebrating together...

Dear Sacred Heart Kew Families,


My Dad used to cook delicious BBQ meals. If I close my eyes I can still smell and taste the snags, the burgers, and lashings of onion and sauce. 


This then got me thinking, if our Dad’s were a meal, what would they be? What would the recipe look like? What ingredients might you need? 


Here was my Dad’s recipe…

Ingredients (There are only 7 I required)

1 Cup of Unconditional Love

Every day my Dad showed my sister and I that we were loved, regardless of our actions, behaviour or achievements and challenges.


2 Tablespoons of Encouragement

Dad always supported and motivated us to pursue our passions and dreams. He always celebrated our successes and provided comfort during our near misses.


1/2 Cup of Patience

Dad always did his best to be patient with us (at times this was difficult! Sorry Dad).  


1/4 Cup of Quality Time

Dad worked Monday - Friday, leaving home at 6am and arriving back home at 6pm each night. Despite this, he always made sure he put aside meaningful time to be with his children. Whether that being a kick of the football, a bike ride on the weekend, no matter how tired he may have been, he always found the time. Every night he read us a bedtime story. This was his way of providing us with quality time each day.   


A Pinch of Humour and a teaspoon of tickles

My dad was a quiet and unassuming man, but he had a wicked sense of humour. He was the funniest person I knew. At times it would appear that he wasn’t listening or paying attention to a conversation and then bang, he would chime in with a witty one liner or a funny remark and everyone would be in stitches, rolling around on the floor. And don’t get me started on the tickles. I still remember the tickles and the uncontrollable fits of laughter and tears of happiness from a bout of tickles. 


1 Cup of Empathy

Dad always tried to understand our feelings and emotions. He had been a child too! He offered a supportive ear and strong shoulder to cry on, whenever we needed it.


3/4 Tablespoon of Guidance

Dad offered clear and constructive advice, helping his children navigate their way through life’s challenges while respecting our individual interests and talents. My sister and I were given the opportunity to give things a go to see if we would like to pursue these interests long term. Dad never made us take part in any activities that he thought we ‘should do’. He gave us the choice and provided guidance to us regardless of the outcome. 


Happy Father’s Day on Sunday to all the Sacred Heart Kew Dad’s in our community, and to all those who play a fatherly role in our lives. Thank you for being our heroes and stars. We also remember our beautiful Dad's who are no longer with us in this life, but whose memories remain with us every single day. Thank you for enriching our lives, imparting upon us life long lessons and for making us the people we are today. You will never be forgotten, as you live on, in us, each and every day. 


Wishing everyone a lovely weekend. 


If you are able, make sure you tell your Father what meal he would be and what ingredients you might need to make him! 


Kind Regards,


Ed Weekes 


School Principal