Student Leaders Report

Hello Kismet Community,
Today we had our very exciting Book Week Parade! All the costumes were fantastic, filling the school gym with colour and fun! Thanks to all the effort that went into making and preparing the costumes for today.
Congratulations to all the Book Week event winners. We hope you had lots of fun. All week we had many competitions including:
- ‘Guess the Teacher’
- 3-6 Comic Book Challenge
- Guess the Book Emoji Challenge
- Book questions during recess and lunch eating.
Last Tuesday, the girl’s Netball team competed in the Regionals Competition. They won their first game, sadly lost their second game and then lost the semi-finals. We are still very proud of their efforts, coming 3rd out of over 200 schools – AMAZING!
Last Friday the 16th, was the inter school Athletics Carnival. Kismet Park came 2nd out of the big Sunbury schools. Students proudly took home may ribbons. Well done to everyone who competed.
We now look forward to the Art Show in week 9.
What a fabulous week it has been at Kismet Park!
Thank you,
School Captains, Ava H, Ava Q, Jai and Max