
Families today, with school-age children, have very busy schedules. This can sometimes make it hard to sit down to homemade meals every day when there is such an abundance of pre-packaged and processed food available. However, it is still important to teach your kids healthy eating habits. Diet and nutrition is crucial to your child’s development. Not only can it prevent many chronic diseases, but it also impacts on your child’s brain development and learning abilities.
“Studies relating to the diet and nutrition of young people have determined that there is a direct effect on brain development and learning. This can directly impact academic outcomes.”
Dr Michael Carr-Gregg
This week’s SchoolTV topic is Diet & Nutrition
Please click the TV image below
WEEK 8 - Diet & Nutrition
WEEK 7 - Respectful Language
WEEK 6 - Social Media Influencers
WEEK 5 -
Cyberbullying &
Cyberbullying Special Report
WEEK 4 - Social Media & Digital Reputation
WEEK 3 - Body Image
WEEK 2 - Grief & Loss
WEEK 1 -
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Julie Leonard - Wellbeing Leader/Religious Education Leader