Library News

Monday 2nd to Friday 6th September
Book Fair is happening now in the library. I love how excited the children are about having the opportunity to view and buy books from the Fair.
During each library lesson the children have been looking through the Book fair and choosing their favourite books, posters or stationary. Foundation and grade one have been assisted by buddies in grade 5 and 6. After finding their favourite items, the children have been filling out their wish lists. These wish lists have been going home so the children can talk with their parents about the items they may wish to purchase. Parents can then make payments on our Scholastic BOOK FAIR (not Book Club) online site by following instructions on the back of the wish list or Fair invite brochure. You will need to insert your receipt number and the name of the items you have paid for and then return the slip to School, the children will then collect their chosen items from the Fair. Children may also bring cash to school to pay for their items or EFTPOS is available at the Front office.
If parents feel they would like to view the books/items before they are purchased or help the children make their choice, they are welcome to come and view the Book Fair.
Viewing time for parents will be after school from Monday 2nd - Thurs 5th September between 3:15pm to 4:00pm.
Book Fair for the children will work like so:
· Preview with students one class at time.
· Students complete a wish list and take them home.
· Parents decide what they would like to purchase, pay by Credit Card online and note the receipt number and name of their item on the Wish list. Cash or EFTPOS options (at school office and in the library) are also available.
· Child returns to school with a completed Wish List to collect the item (or a reorder is placed if stock is sold).
Why Have a Book Fair?
Reading for pleasure inside and outside of school has real and long-lasting benefits.
It unlocks the power of information and imagination and helps children discover who they are. Here’s what you can do to help children develop stronger reading
skills and a love for reading:
- Set the example. Let children see you read.
- Have a collection of books in the home. Update this collection routinely to keep pace with changing tastes and reading skills.
- Support our school’s Book Fair. Allow your children to choose their own books to read.
Our Scholastic Book Fair is a reading event that brings to school the books kids want to read. It’s a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please make plans to visit our Book Fair and be involved in shaping your child’s reading habits.
We look forward to seeing you and your family at our Book Fair!
Remember, all purchases benefit our school.
Book Fair at Sacred Heart
Monday 2nd to Friday 6th September
Thank you - Yolanda McVilly