Classroom News

Yarra Police Visit- Cyber Safety
Over the last 2 weeks, our Year 3-6 students have been visited by Andrew Moreton, a member of the Police Force, in Yarra Council.
Andrew delivered a presentation to our students about online behaviours, changes in technology and Cyber Safety, and provided the students with up-to-date and relevant information, scenarios and case studies.
All of our students learned important information about:
- New developments in technology and the internet
- What good online behaviour looks like
- How to recognise unsafe online behaviour
- How to stay safe online
- How to seek help if they are worried about something they see online.
These presentations fit in with our Wellbeing Program, are curriculum aligned, and address current issues faced by the Australian community.
We encourage families to have further discussions at home, and foster positive and safe online behaviours. The eSafety Commissioner has many helpful resources to inform and assist you with these conversations at home.
Northcote High Public Speaking Competition
We had come so far, the four of us. It was a privilege to be walking into the auditorium of Northcote High School, preparing to perform our speeches to a panel of judges and five other schools. Our palms were sweaty. We tried to keep the mood light. We had performed our speeches to our classes, to our grade, to assembly. This really shouldn’t be that hard after all our practises! But the reality that this was a competition, with debating students and highschool teachers critiquing our every word, was very much sinking in. The smothering of encouraging words wasn’t enough to suppress our nerves, and the fact that Alphington Primary was going first really wasn’t helping!
Let's start from the start.
On Thursday the 17th of October Eve, Rani, Maya and Heidi from year six had been chosen to represent APS at the Northcote High public speaking competition. After a rigorous selection process we were the final four. On the topic, “A Team Effort”, we wrote a three minute speech, capturing our different takes on the prompt we were given.
So here we go. First up was Maya…
Have you ever observed a beehive?😜 A bustling society where worker bees tirelessly gather pollen, build the honeycomb, and care for the young. But at the centre of it all is the queen bee, seemingly doing very little.🤏 She lays the eggs, ensuring the survival of the colony, but her role seems small compared to the gruelling work of the other bees. Yet, without her the hive would be doomed.
We often think of leaders as those who tell others what to do. But the reality is far more complex. Being a leader is not about giving orders, it's about inspiring and directing others. Imagine a football team without a captain.🏈 There's a lack of direction, a lack of focus. Like the queen bee, a leader may not always be the one doing the most work but their role is crucial in any good team.
However success is not dependent on the leader. The other group members bring their own unique skills, perspectives and strengths which are all crucial parts that make up a team. From the writer to the planner, every role in the team is needed. You can observe this throughout history. Whether it’s the Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville,
building the world's first aircraft or the team at NASA, working together to make the rocket that flew Neil Armstrong to the moon, teamwork is everywhere.
To conclude, the leading opinion isn’t always the right opinion. Being a leader isn’t being a dictator, but taking a group of strangers and turning them into a well functioning team. Remember, there are no bad teams, only bad leaders. Thank you all for listening. 😭👏👏👏
Next came Rani…
I am Rani C from Alphington Primary School, and I am curious about what a team effort means to different people. Can it have different meanings? The dictionary definition is simply, ‘something done by a group of people.’ But a team effort is not simple. I think teamwork is when a group of people devote time and care to a project task or goal. I have a goal that needs these collaborative traits. We need to work together to achieve equality.
First off, a quick question. Have you ever seen a billboard on the highway? The ones that have photoshopped Barbie’s printed onto those giant metal canvases. As you stare through the car window observing the glamorous adverts, you’re engulfed by its dark shadow, its shadow of doubt.
There’s no disagreement and problems with collaboration between fashion industries in our country, it’s what they’re promoting. Despite the fierce competition between the big brands across Australia, they have a united front of ideas. A united front of delusional ideas with the wrong criteria.
The thought that promoting the classic stunning morals with unrealistic ideals would tempt and envy self conscious people, has become a strong motivation to many businesses. “Why doesn’t it work?” “Why doesn’t it look like the photo?!” This is the unfortunate mindset that infects people all over the world.
The popular shops across the globe are far too worried about their profit to take a leap of faith and advertise unique people with their own sense of people. Did you know that 99.9% of models are photo - shopped and professionally edited? So clearly the fashion industries won’t present quirky courageous ideas and adverts. So let’s stand up to the stereotypes cause this, this will take a team effort.
This brings me to my next point, mainstream media. There are more than 64 million influencers. These influencers are shaping the way we buy and consume. They have massive impacts on what people use and even believe. Imagine if all impactful people displayed positive messages with the ethical criteria. Just think about how many people are on Tick Tock. Tick Tock allows you to have enjoyable experiences with friends. But what if the influential people promoted inclusive products, thoughts and everything in between.
Instead of seeing some plastic surgery commercial, you see the people together to distribute considerate content. If we provide positive messages, support those who are doing the same, then think about the jolt it could have on the millions of conscious people using social media.
I’m not saying that online presence is the issue, what we believe, buy into and support.
To finish this off I’d like to pose a question, should I have to come up here, like many before me and tell you that all humans should be treated equally. No, I shouldn’t.
So let’s force the change, together, ‘cause this, this will take a team effort.
Thank you.
Then it was Eve’s turn…
My name is Eve H and I’m from Alphington primary school. Before I go about trying to give you my best definition of a team effort. I’d like you to give me yours. Go ahead, raise your hands. (Choose 3 from the audience)
Wow! Some great definitions. Now it’s my turn, “A Team Effort” 3 words 1 meaning. A Team Effort isn’t just about showing up for a local basketball game or lending a hand to friends. It’s about coming together in unity, whether on the field or in our communities, to achieve something meaningful and impactful. Just as in sports, where teamwork leads to victory, a team effort can achieve great things for our planet.
My dad has worked at AGL for 15 years and which has naturally inspired my interest in the environment. AGL and many other companies are transitioning from coal and gas to renewable
energy; such as wind, hydro and solar. Unfortunately there is only 40% of Australians buying energy from companies who support the environment. If we all changed to solar then just think about the impact it would have on the environment.
If everyone in Australia picked up one piece of rubbish, we would remove 26 million pieces of litter; from our beautiful country. What a team effort that would be. Think. 26 million gone. Vanished. We have been trying to reduce pollution for 140 years, it’s about time we were finished with pollution.
You might be thinking she’s not talking to me. Or it won't matter if we end up with one piece less, but it will. Everyone here is a leader and if you decide to act against this change then others WILL follow. And we will end up in this position in 140 years, or worse still, not here at all.
To conclude, every piece of rubbish picked up, every decision to use renewable energy, contributes to a larger movement. Together, with a team effort we can create a significant positive change for our planet. To save Earth and humankind as we know it.
Thank you.
And finally, we have Heidi…
You’re not good enough. No one wants to hear your voice. Hey, why would you ever think you have a place in this world!
We’ve all heard it. That voice in our heads, draining the confidence from our entire bodies. It creeps up on you and whispers in your ear, I'm sure, stopping you from reaching your potential.
It’s strange how many people don’t see their own value in today's society.
Now, You also have a confident voice, and believe me I wish I could say it’s always as strong as that negative shadow inside you. But whether you like it or not, I find it is often far from it. Luckily, we have something even better to lift us out of the doubt: Each other.
Last week, someone gave me a compliment. That made me feel worthy, happy, confident.
I’m sure you’ve all felt that feeling when someone says something nice about you, bringing a smile to your face and making you feel a+.
It’s a basic human need to feel like you are valued in some sort of community, and we all can make each other feel that way. Seems simple, making people feel good. But when that person came to me and told me that I was a good friend, I was actually surprised that they were making an effort to help me feel my best. Surprised. You tell me, Why don’t we just say nice things about each other everyday?
Unfortunately at this point in time it seems being lifted up by others is pretty rare. We are bombarded by information in the real world and online telling us to look and feel a certain way, and that negative voice is only going to keep getting stronger. We can't fight it by ourselves. That's why I have you, and you, and you. And you have me. Studies all over the world show that when we are told we can do something, that we are worthy, it helps build relationships, communication, self esteem and self confidence.
And when people feel good about who they are? The results say it all. If you know that you are valued, you are much more likely to have a positive impact on the world around you. In this day and age full to the brim with doom and gloom, we really need some positive people in society, willing to put effort into making change for the better. A change that takes a team. And you have the power to make anyone you see feel that little bit lighter. All of us do.
Lifting up others takes nothing from you. no time, no effort, no pain. Imagine a world full of confident people, where no one was judged, and everyone felt that they had a place in the world. Just imagine what we could do then. I don’t think I should have to be surprised to get something nice said about me. But I guess it will take everyone here to start making people feel good about themselves, all the time. I’ll start. You guys, are awesome.
See? It only took four words!
Because rising up and lifting others? Now that takes a team effort.
Our 4 public speakers, and their wonderful support crew
This event will be a lasting memory for us after APS took out the win with Heidi placing first, and Maya placing second.
But I think you’ll agree, all 4 speeches are pretty fantastic!!!