Science News

Vermont Secondary College

Year 8 Science

To finish off the year students are undertaking some STEM challenges. First up is the spaghetti tower – students must build the tallest tower that can support a marshmallow. Here 8H1 students are working on the challenge. Marble Race Tracks and Floaty boaty challenges are coming up soon.

Year 9 Science

We are getting very excited about the Year 9 Wonderlab (Science Fair) next week. Students have been working really hard to finish off their investigations and are now in the process of creating their posters or presentations to communicate their findings to the VSC community.

Our expert Scientist will be helping students and teachers to judge the posters and TED talks – winners will be announced at the end of year assemblies.

 Year 7 Science

Our Year 7 students went to the Zoo for the day. The students were filming their chosen animal for their last Learning task on Classification, Ecology and Habitats. They then spent the day completing a scavenger hunt by exploring all the exhibits around the zoo! We had some interesting weather on the Wednesday but students still had a fantastic time.

Science Facts 

Fact 1

A cloud weighs around a million tonnes.

A cloud typically has a volume of around 1km^3 and a density of around 1.003kg per m3 – that's a density that’s around 0.4 per cent lower than the air surrounding it (this is how they are able to float).


Fact 2

The Sun makes a sound but we can't hear it.

In the form of pressure waves, the Sun does make a sound. The wavelength of the pressure waves from the Sun is measured in hundreds of miles, however, meaning they are far beyond the range of human hearing.