Student Leaders 

News & Awards

Antonella Tsakmakis - Wellbeing Leader



Each week an award is given to a student who demonstrates one or all of our school values:    Community      Excellence     Respect.

Congratulations to 


Class Awards                 Term 4        Week  7

Class awards are presented to students who have demonstrated great effort and achievement in their learning. We acknowledge collaboration and initiative as well

as resilience and kindness shown in their classroom this week.


GradeStudent’s NameAwarded for...

Prep AK



AaronFor explaining his mathematical thinking to the class group, when working with numbers containing hundreds, tens and ones. 

Prev SV




1/2  MB



EoghanFor enthusiastically writing and typing up his narrative and for showing great effort in his learning tasks this week. Keep up the good work!

1/ 2  AS


AlecFor working well in all subject areas this week. Well done!

1/2 DG


TamFor keeping our class tidy, and always being ready to learn.  Your effort and care in your work is inspiring! 

3/4 SK







For an amazing argument in your persuasive writing. You are a superstar! keep up the great effort.


Well done on your progress Vinh, you should be so proud of yourself and all your results.

3/4 TR






For making a great effort with his ‘Take Home Reading.’


For great effort in her studies this week.


3/4 VA




Lucas For making a consistent effort to participate in all classroom activities and his positive attitude towards all learning tasks. 

5/6  FA



Nami For being an excellent role model for others in the grade. Well done Nami

5/6 BOC



MikaylaThank you Mikayla for being so diligent in all of your assessments. Your hard work has paid off and you are a fantastic example to your peers.

Performing Arts- 

Ms Stanton



Abigail (Prep AK)




(Prep AK)


For their fantastic acting, expressions, and movement when performing their readers theatre!


Mrs Mcleary





Mr Su 

Ned  1/2MBFor doing wonderful work in the speaking practice with the whole class, and showing good listening during the class.







If at any time you would like to chat about the wellbeing programs at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's wellbeing, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher, or myself. 


Antonella Tsakmakis

Wellbeing Leader