Maths Moderation & More

Numeracy Update

Moderation In Numeracy

Students across the school completed a new moderation task created by the Numeracy School Improvement Team to provide additional data for assessment. The focus of the tasks were:

  • Foundation: Division
  • Years 1 – 3: Fractions
  • Years 4 - 6: Algebra


The moderation tests had multiple entry and exit points. Staff have been meeting to collaboratively mark these assessments and to consider how the results might impact a students’ overall grade.


Document Cameras

What is a document camera?

Often described as modern versions of old overhead projectors, document cameras are designed to project images of documents and objects. In the classrooms, the document camera is connected to the screen and students are able to view projected items in a large-scale format.


Use in Teaching Numeracy

We have increased the number of document cameras in the school. Now, many classrooms have their own one, while some share between rooms. These cameras are a great resource to use during Maths lessons. They allow for clear teacher modelling, and also provide students a tool to share their work whilst explaining their mathematical reasoning.


Pictured below we can see a Grade 5 student using a protractor to measure angles, something that is typically hard to show at a distance to a large group.


Moving Forward

Overall, there has been great progress made towards improving teaching and assessment practices in Numeracy across the school. Staff and leaders look forward to continuing this work into 2025.


~ Lauren Withers and Daniel Arnavas, Numeracy Learning Specialists