Inside Classrooms

Cohort and Specialist Updates


In Foundation students have had an incursion with some firefighters. They have learnt about good and bad fires, to call 000 in an emergency and when there is a fire to crawl down low and go, go, go. This week they will have a chance to see the firetruck, listen to the siren and spray the hose.


Year 1/2:

In year 1/2, students have been learning all about weather! In week 6, students went to Scienceworks to participate in “Whats With the Weather?” program. Students saw mini weather created before their eyes, including a rainbow, a cloud in a bottle and sparks of lightning. They experienced a spectacular two-million-volt lightning volt, and an exploration of how to stay safe in storms. Students also had the opportunity to explore the Think Ahead, Beyond Perception, and Sportworks exhibits. Racing Cathy Freeman in Sportsworks was definitely a favourite!


Year 3/4:

Its certainly been a busy few weeks for our 3/4s! 

Week 6 began with a thoughtful Remembrance Day commemoration, where we reflected on the events of WW1 and their significance. The week concluded with Year 5 school captain speeches, giving students a valuable experience in participating in a formal voting process and understanding the responsibility involved of electing school leaders. In Inquiry, we have been deepening our knowledge of Earth’s surfaces by researching and publishing information reports on a natural disaster of our choice. Over the coming weeks, we will bring this learning to life through creative projects, such as dioramas or Claymation, to showcase our chosen natural hazards. We are excited to share our work with the school community soon!

Year 5/6:

 The 5/6 classrooms have been bustling with creativity and discovery! Students have been working on an exciting project: creating their very own picture books for children aged 6-8. These narrative stories are inspired by our inquiry topic, Earth & Space, and are filled with imaginative adventures. Students will be reading this to their 1/2 buddies. 


Students have been busy drafting, creating storyboards, and crafting their narratives with rich descriptions and complex sentences. They’re channeling their creativity to bring their characters and settings to life, all while designing illustrations to captivate young readers. We can't wait to see their finished products!


As part of our exploration of space, students have also been learning about various astronomical concepts and constellations. A special focus has been placed on understanding the perspectives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, particularly their interpretations of constellations. Through this, students are deepening their appreciation for the rich cultural knowledge and storytelling traditions that have been passed down for generations.


Towards the end of term, students will be creating their own projects for a Space this space!


                    Summer Sports Round Robin – T20                                                   BLAST CRICKET 



School Food Garden

In the garden this term we have been clearing out the winter crops and getting the garden ready for summer. We have been harvesting broccoli, herbs and spring onion and we put them all together to cook some delicious broccoli and ricotta pancakes.

Spring is a wonderful time in the garden, Our flower beds are all in bloom and we have just added some more flowering plants to attract pollinators and good bugs to our garden.


Happy gardening everyone.


Joanna Temme

Cultivating community 

School food garden educator 

Performing Arts

This year, Performing Arts has added a vibrant and creative dimension to our school curriculum. Students have delved into drama, crafting plays that showcased their storytelling skills, while in music, they explored rhythm and melody with Boomwhackers, performing confidently on stage. Our dance program was a highlight, with students choreographing an exciting whole school flash mob-style performance for our school assembly. Singing has also been a key focus, helping students develop their vocal abilities. Additionally, a whole-school choir has been rehearsing Xmas songs to perform at our end-of-year celebration day. It’s been a wonderful year of growth, creativity, and joy in Performing Arts! 


I've loved watching all of you shine!



Kimberley Caffari

Performing Arts Teacher

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