Learning & Teaching

“Wonderful to see the application of learning to the real world…problem solving and using technology to assist in this” - learning walk participant
“Warm, inviting, beautiful spaces… an abundance of beautiful, high quality resources… feeling like you’re coming in a home” - learning walk participant
Thank you to our families who attended our Discovery and Projects learning walk this Term. It was a pleasure to share the children’s learning with you all and to hear your thoughtful reflections. The families who attended the session participated in a guided tour of our learning spaces, and engaged in a conversation about how explicit learning is transferred to new contexts in age appropriate and meaningful ways.
We thank the families who provided feedback through our feedback form. We are grateful for the positive responses. Our leadership team is in the process of reflecting further on your contributions. We look forward to seeing you all at our learning walks in 2025! Watch this space for dates and times.
Over the last few weeks, our children have been learning how to write to instruct! This is where they need to write very detailed instructions for someone to follow.
In this picture, Nick our 5/6 hub educator is following fairy bread instructions that the children have written! There were lots of changes when we realised some specific verbs were missing!
Library News
As we begin to wrap up for the year, we encourage you to have a look around the house for any school library books. Please start bringing them back when you can.