Principal's Message
Mrs. Cassie Lynch
Principal's Message
Mrs. Cassie Lynch
Dear Families,
Welcome to another edition of our newsletter. We love to share all the exciting things that have happened throughout our school over the last two weeks.
Our 'Magnify Sandhurst' journey is progressing well with a number of staff members now accessing amazing professional development opportunities.
This week, we have another 3 staff members training in InitiaLit: Miss Craven, Mrs. Hutchinson & myself. InitiaLit training is occurring now so, first day back in 2025, we can hit the ground running with quality teaching for each and every student, giving children the best possible start.
We, along with all the schools in Catholic Education Sandhurst, are using one very simple motto to explain our intention;
Every student
Every teacher
Every school
Every day
In addition to changes in our literacy programs we will be making in 2025, we are implementing something called a 'low variance curriculum.' This enables teachers to be direct and intentional in teaching students what they need to know. This low variance curriculum is offered through an organisation called OCHRE. This requires a change in pedagogy for all teachers here at Our Lady's as we move forward.
Staff are feeling very excited about the changes that are coming as they know the change will directly impact student success.
Today, I am incredibly excited to announce our staffing structure for 2025. It is an exciting time at Our Lady's, full of change and new ideas. We have also elected for 2025, from Grade 3 upwards, to run straight classes. This is a new way of thinking for us but we believe this change will support our learners best moving forward.
We will also be running a Foundation/Grade 1 class as well as a Grade 1/2 class. Our Grade 1 cohort of students will be split between the two classes based on friendships and personality. Please note, the Grade 1's placed in each class will have access to the same learning outcomes. Sometimes the misconception with the Foundation/Grade 1 class is that we keep the students who are lower in their learning in this grade. This is never the case. Please be reassured also that we will be actively looking for ways for the Grade 1's to come together to learn also.
Classroom Placements
Foundation/1: Mrs. Kate Hutchinson
Grade 1/2: Mrs. Liz Grant
Grade 3: Mrs. Rebekka Sinclair
Grade 4: Mrs. Lynda Griffin
Grade 5: Mr. Josh Naish
Grade 6: Mrs. Cathie Walsh & Miss Lucia Alesiani
In addition to our classroom placements, I am pleased to announce my leadership team moving forward;
Leadership Team
Senior Leader: Curriculum - Mrs. Rebekka Sinclair
Senior Leader: Inclusive Education - Mrs. Michelle D'Antonio
Senior Leader: Catholic Mission - Mrs. Caroline Horg
Joining our classroom & leadership team are our very important specialist teachers. We are also excited to announce a new subject joining our school - STEM!
Specialist Team
Auslan: Miss Lucia Alesiani
Visual Art: Mrs. Corena Bennett
Physical Education: Mrs. Mel Harper
STEM: Mrs. Caroline Horg
STEM learning, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is an educational approach that integrates these four disciplines to create a hands-on, real-world learning experience. It focuses on skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration, all of which are valuable in navigating modern careers and societal challenges. The goal of STEM education is not just to teach students content knowledge in these fields but to enable them to apply it practically.
Here's how each area contributes to STEM learning:
Support Staff
A school does not run without support staff - we are very blessed here at Our Lady's to be able to retain the staff we do have.
Learning Support Officers
Mrs. Mary Sherwill
Miss Celia Craven
Mrs. Jenny Kittelty
Mrs. Michelle Prestianni
Mrs. Lisa Baker
Mrs. Helen Millar
Mrs. Linda D'Agostino
Mrs. Raff Sampson
School Support Officers
Mrs. Kate Ried - Speech Pathologist
Administration Officers
Mrs. Raff Sampson (Mon)
Mrs. Julie McMonigle (Tue - Fri)
Last week, I had the privilage of working with the Leadership Team and Kim Butler, my Principal consultant, to create a School Improvement Framework for the next 4 years. We used information from our recent review, our Catholic Identity Review and also data from our school surveys to create this plan. This plan will now go to staff for input before heading to the students & families for further feedback.
This is a really exciting time for our school as we pave the way for our future work. I will be calling for volunteers to come in and have your say on our new plan! Please consider if this is something you would like to contribute to our school.
Just a reminder to all families that we discourage children bringing personal toys to school. When a child brings along personal belongings from home, it can cause issues in the playground with friendship groups. We are also not responsible for precious items coming along to school and would much prefer they be left at home. Thank you for supporting us with this matter.