Parents & Citizens 


P&C Meetings

The P&C usually meet on the first Monday of each month from 5.00pm at the school. Everyone is welcome to come along!

Latest P&C Report

Thank you Ben!


Rocky River P&C would like to thank Ben Tolber for his kind donation from the launch of his new book. 


Ben held a successful launch of his book ‘Films Have Given Me Trust Issues’ at the University of New England on 4th October. He has also held a book signing day at local bookseller Collin’s, with his book having been available through online booksellers including Amazon, Booktopia and Barnes & Noble. The book is currently being republished with second edition copies available soon.


We congratulate Ben on completing this project and following through to become a published local author. We are also extremely grateful that he has chosen to donate proceeds from sales of this book at his launch to benefit the students at Rocky River.  


Raffle Donations 


Rocky River P&C will continue the long-standing tradition of running a MAJOR RAFFLE at the end of year Presentation Day.  


In order for us to make this happen, we are asking our school families to help by donating raffle items. Any items, large or small, are most appreciated. Items can be put towards a hamper or single prizes, or a financial contribution – we have a donation by The Bolt Inn of $100 towards a $200 Milly Hill meat tray, so we are open to contributions to fulfil this offer.  


We have a number of generous donations already on offer, including a Christmas ham, a Philp’s Pipes & Power voucher and a $100 Seasons of New England voucher. Remember, this is a great way to advertise your home business or trade! 


Please drop any donations and contributions to the Office by Friday 6th December.


Tickets for this P&C Raffle will be available at the Presentation Day with all prizes being drawn on the day. 






School polo shirts, jumpers and jackets are available through the P&C.  Order forms are available from the school office, the Audiri App and the attachment below.  


We still have some long sleeve shirts available for $10 each in sizes 4, 12, 14, 16 and S.


There are a large number of pre-loved uniform items available at the school office at $5 per item.


Uniforms - Rose 0438 828 247

Canteen - Erica 0422 054 475 



P&C Secretary