School Noticeboard

Week 8

Grace Giltrow - For making a long paper chain

Tameera Sharpley - Student of the week

Week 9

Zach Dobson - Student of the week

Charlotte Hiles - Student of the week

Charlotte Donohoe - Student of the week

Max Borchardt - Graduating Kindy

Millie Giltrow - Graduating Kindy

Isla Giltrow - Graduating Kindy

Sam Phelps - Graduating Kindy


Contact Numbers

Phone:  07 4665 0133  

Mobile Phone:  0436 948 675

Absence line :46650276

Kindy News 

Last Friday was our Kindy kids last day of their kindy year. They have all shown they are ready for Prep. They all enjoyed the Prep orientation day last week where the children received a Kindy graduation certificate. Congratulations Max, Millie, Sam and Isla. 


Thank you to those families who filled out our short survey. We really appreciate your feedback and it certainly helps our program meet the needs of the children in our community.  






Could notices for The Weekly please be emailed or phoned through by

 2.00pm on a Monday afternoon.     

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