Principal's Address

Hello Moonie State School community,
It is with mixed emotions that I write this final newsletter as the principal of Moonie State School. It has been an incredible honour to lead this wonderful school and its students, staff, and families. As I reflect on the past 12 months, I am filled with gratitude for the memories we’ve created and the progress the students have made. 2025 will be an exciting year for the Moonie school community, I know you will be in good hands.
We have had an extremely busy end to the school year, with the last few weeks full of assessment, concert practise, swimming carnival, Year 6 pool party and our whole school end of year celebration excursion to Kloud 9 in Toowoomba.
End of Year Concert and Awards
2025 Staffing
There has been a small change to the previous communication regarding staffing. Ms Rhonda Bunyan is now unable to join us at Moonie State School. We have readvertised and hope to have a replacement soon.
Please find introductions from our 3 new staff members for 2025 on the following pages of the newsletter from Mrs Chelman, Ms Kylie Smith and Mrs Anna Jones.
Thank you all for your kind words and gifts they mean so much to me and I will treasure them. Please do not hesitate to keep in touch over the coming years. I am excited to see the progress you children will continue to make.
I wish everyone a wonderful and safe summer holiday and a happy new year.
All the best,
Miss Rebecca Flick