News from Bernadette Bailey

Saints Shop Manager

Saints Shop hours are 8am-noon during the term.


A huge shoutout to our amazing parent volunteers. Thank you for generously giving your time during back-to-school extended hours. Your support makes a world of difference, and we truly appreciate you. 



College uniform

  • Worn Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
  • Shirts must be ironed and tucked in - purchase here.
  • Shorts must be knee length and worn with a black leather belt - purchase here.
  • Socks are worn with a single fold 5cm below the knee - purchase here.
  • Shoes must be black, leather lace-up school shoes, and polished regularly - buy. elsewhere.
  • All uniforms are to be marked with your son's name.

Sports uniform

  • Worn Wednesday.
  • Shirt worn untucked - purchase here.
  • Socks are white ankle length - purchase here.
  • Shoes must be running-style, not basketball, skate, futsal shoes etc.

Second-hand uniforms

If your son has grown out of his uniform and you would like to donate any preloved uniforms to the Saints Shop, they will be greatly appreciated.