School Notices
Updated Contact Details and Address
If you are moving address or have changed email or mobile number please update these details by sending the correct details to Admin via email to
Medical Action Plans
Students that have a medical condition require an up to date medical action plan and any relevant medication to be held at school. If the student is asthmatic we do require a current asthma action plan. Medication Action Plan forms can be found here and are to be submitted to Admin either electronically or in person. The school will use the students photo on file. Medication must be handed to Admin by a Parent or Caregiver and not the student.
2025 School Fees
The 2025 School Fee Schedule can be viewed here.
Concession Cards
Families holding a means-tested Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card are entitled to a discount. The discount will only apply if the person who holds the card is responsible for the payment of the fees. If there is joint responsibility, the discounted rate will only apply to the eligible card holder.
To ensure that the discount is applied for the year, it is the parents’ responsibility to provide the school with a copy each time the card is renewed.
Concession Card discounted Tuition Fees:
$300.00 and Concession Card discounted Building Levy: $90.00.
All families that hold a Concession Card must complete this application form at the beginning of each school year and provide a copy of the Concession Card.
The discount will only apply with a valid and in date Concession Card and will cease if the card expires and a new card is not issued. If this occurs during the school year, fees will be adjusted accordingly.
Holy Cross College Sibling Discount
If you have older students attending Holy Cross College in 2025, please complete the Sibling Discount Application Form here to ensure that have the discount applied to your school fees.
Canteen Helpers in 2025
In order to keep our Canteen running we need volunteers to assist every week!
This involves labelling drinks, assisting with over the counter sales at recess, making up sandwiches/rolls/wraps, placing completed orders in classroom boxes ready for collection, over the counter sales at lunch and cleaning of utensils and benches at the end of lunch. No experience is necessary and we appreciate any assistance.
If you can volunteer for either the early morning (8:30am to 11:30am) or late morning (11:30am to 1:30pm) timeslots on a Thursday or Friday please complete the form here.
The school holidays is the ideal time to complete the Food Safe Training which is required to volunteer and details can be found here.
School Annual
The 2024 School Annual will be sent home to families at the commencement of school next year. We will post the School Annual to those families that have left St Helena's.