Senior School News 

Upper Secondary (Years 9-10)

9/10s have been busy increasing their Travel Training abilities and are looking forward to wrapping up the year with their last few fun excursions. Some excursions we have been on recently include the city, a river cruise, the zoo, and a local park BBQ. We have becoming increasingly confident in our ability to access public transport, and are continually learning appropriate behaviour. 



We have wrapped up the year with our final week of the Hungry Flame Café. Students have learnt how to demonstrate our employability skills in various tasks and jobs. We have enjoyed running a café for staff and we are looking forward to seeing what next year will hold for the program. 



Next week we will be headed to Phillip Island for Camp. We are very excited and have already begun packing. There are a number of fun activities in store for us when we arrive next week. There are also plenty of fun activities in store for the students not attending camp. We are looking forward to next week!


Senior Secondary (VPC/ASDAN)



What’s Happening in ASDAN?

It has been a very busy few weeks for the ASDAN team. We have all been working very hard on completing all of our learning outcomes and wrapping up our independent learning module. The students have developed some terrific kitchen skills and are more than ready to show their skills at home by preparing hot and cold drinks and snacks for their families.




Each week 10/12A volunteer at the Sunshine Hospital to clean and water the gardens in the Dementia ward. Last week was the final visit to the hospital for this year. To celebrate and thank the students, a special barbecue lunch was provided by the hospital staff. Each student received a certificate of appreciation for their contribution to the community. 


Congratulations to all of the students for a fabulous effort this year!



Simon, Azmi and 10/12B students have been exploring the wider community and learning how to use public transport safely to visit markets, parks and beaches. Last Friday they visited Williamstown Beach and enjoyed a lovely stroll along the pier.