Hello, from Carolyn.

Respect, responsibility and kindness

Hello everyone,


Parents Night out!

Don't forget to book a spot for our Parents Night Out on 22nd March! use this link https://forms.gle/rbKGY1c2XVtCiTxGA  or the QR code in the poster.


eSmart Week.

Next week is National eSmart Week. All our grades will be recognising the week by including digital learning activities based on information provided by eSmart foundation. 

Cybersafety and appropriate behaviour when online are two areas that many of our families ask for advice as to how to manage these at home. If you need some help in this area, you might like to visit- 

Alannah & Madeline Foundation | Finding balance: becoming a screen… (alannahandmadeline.org.au)  and use the DigiTalk Screen Smart planner below to support your family to plan how to set some boundaries around the use of technology in your home.

The documents below might also be helpful in supporting your children to understand what it means to be safe and respectful online.



Athletics Day feedback.

Please take a minute to complete our quick survey about our Athletics Day- https://forms.gle/UGmAj457Q6m9zzgh9  


Our expected behaviours at Bendigo PS.



I hope you all have an enjoyable weekend!

Warm regards,



School banking details.


Bendigo Violet Street Primary

BSB: 033-688

Account number: 93-1292

Payment reference: use your surname and fees.