Academic Care and Wellbeing

Parent Talk
Parent Talk newsletter aims to provide parents and carers with relevant and timely information about parenting, education, wellbeing, upcoming CCSP events and webinars for parents, and significant Catholic news and events.
The Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT represents all parents and carers of students in our Catholic schools. We value and promote the critical role that parents play in the education of their children and provide leadership, advocacy and support for parents and carers of children in almost 600 Catholic schools.
Parents and carers are invited to subscribe to CCSP's Parent Talk newsletter to receive future editions and keep up to date with how our Council supports Catholic school parents to support their children's wellbeing, faith journey and academic outcomes.
See attached flyer for more information and to subscribe please follow this link.
Our College Captains have continued the Olympiad tradition of having all students compete in the Tunnel Ball Challenge. All 40 homegroups competed against each other in a bid to be crowned Tunnel Ball champions. This year our fastest team was Webber 8. Congratulations to Mr Cartwright and Webber 8 students and to Emily and Charlie for organising a great event for the whole school!
On Wednesday 27 March, a selection of students from Year 10 represented the College at the REROC Take Charge Youth Forum. Here are some of their thoughts and learnings from the day:
Ronejan Kassam - Today Jackson Bentley described the story of his life and how he pursued his dream. He reminded us of some of his mistakes that we shouldn’t repeat. In the first session, I learnt about the business start-up fundamentals with Monica Davidson. She taught us about the benefits of applying for a TFN, ABN and the structure of starting a successful business. In the second workshop, we were taught how to manage and use our voices. Presenter Anna Gannon spoke about the consequences of illegal actions and further explained the negative impacts that it can have on us later in life. Finally, the mindful warrior and mental health workshop trained us on how to overcome mental health issues. Overall it was an outstanding and fun day that gave us valuable lessons about various life barriers and the steps to overcome these issues.
Claire Barclay - Today I not only learnt a variety of valuable life skills but also how important it is to know them. I learnt a lot about how to legally set up my own businesses and make us successful. I got a deeper understanding of the importance of responsible decision making from the law workshop run by Georgia Briggs. A highlight of the day was listening to Jackson Bentley. He gave a very insightful talk on his journey to being a successful film director. I also had the opportunity to practise mindfulness and meditation.
Ben Devries - Today I learnt about a multitude of things, Including how to start your own business and the law behind it, My Mental health, and Law. At the start of the day I also learnt about a young man who started of his career working as a barista and went on to own his own business working as a videographer. I really enjoyed meeting people from different schools and found the starting your own business workshop really interesting. I'm very grateful that my House Leader nominated me for this opportunity as I took a lot from it.
Maggie Peterson - Today, I learnt about starting up your own business, youth law and mindfulness. I gained understanding about different legal consequences in different legal scenarios, especially the scenarios today's generation find themselves in. I enjoyed being able to interact with so many different people from different schools but overall I enjoyed the Briggs Law workshop. From the workshops, I took away a better understanding of a variety of different areas/career paths in life. Overall, it was a fun day filled with many different learning opportunities.
Sofia Metcalfe - Today I learnt about the rights and laws around starting your own business as well as the impact defamation can have on a young person’s life. This was an important information session as it brought to light laws and consequences I was not aware of before the session . I think it is important for any young person to understand the law to then be able to make informed decisions throughout their life. Overall the day was filled with fun and laughter and gave me the opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and try new things with the company of new friends.
Brinley Lancaster - Today, I learnt that there are many things in life to look forward to and a lot of things that could be challenging as we grow up and enter the workforce and that they will all work out if you apply yourself. I enjoyed working and talking with my peers and people from other schools that we might have never met. Overall I took away that life has many challenges and positives and they will all be good in the end and I was grateful that I was selected to take part in the forum and be able to get a glimpse into what life might be after I leave school.
Jedd Wardman - Today, I learned about how a young man who went from struggling with finding the right career path, getting enough funds to working multiple dream jobs. His name is Jackson Bentley and what he taught me is that when you have a dream you need to stay committed to it no matter what. I really enjoyed the company of all students around me and how nice each of the speakers were. They showed perseverance towards us which I greatly appreciated and it really helped me enjoy each workshop. I’m grateful I was given the opportunity to represent my school in such a great program. I enjoyed meeting new people and collaborating with the students within the group.
Madeleine Clancy - Today, I learnt about a variation of things I will need to understand when I’m older. I learnt a lot in our first and third workshops about how to legally start up a business and the consequences of illegal actions. I really enjoyed meeting people from other schools and overall just having a fun day learning things I wouldn’t learn in a regular day. I’m very grateful I was given this opportunity today, I learnt so much and meet many amazing people.
CBD Masterplan Workshop
Wagga Wagga City Council is developing a masterplan that will shape the future of the
Central Business District (CBD) and help to create a diverse, vibrant, and safe place for
everyone. They wanted to speak with young people from across the city to find out how they could make the CBD a better place for youth.
College Captains Emily Saeki and Charlie Schneider attended a consultation session to help Council understand the needs and aspirations of Wagga’s youth. They learned about strategic planning, civic functions, place-making, urban design, and community participation. They had a unique opportunity to influence how the CBD could be an engaging, accessible, and diverse environment for young people.
Melbourne Playback Theater Company presents ‘Healthy Relationships’
"Melbourne Playback Theatre Company, in collaboration with the Wagga Wagga Women's Health Centre, are performing a show for Year 9 called Healthy Relationships on Wednesday 10 April.
Healthy Relationships aims to start a conversation about what makes a relationship healthy and respectful. In the show conversation focuses on all kinds of relationships: friendships, family, work mates, romantic relationships, team mates, and more.
Melbourne Playback is an improvisation theatre company, and the content of each show is based on moments shared by audience members.
Healthy Relationshipscovers a range of areas related to both healthy and unhealthy relationships: bullying, recognising where our support structures and supportive relationships are, breaking and establishing boundaries, recognising nasty situations, revelling in great friendships, and more.
Healthy Relationships, aims to empower students to identify what a healthy relationship is and to strengthen student communities in schools through storytelling and empathy."
Youth mental health advocate Ruby Riethmuller, grew up on a farm in the Riverina and now engages with thousands of young people every year through the mental health organisation she founded, Womn-Kind.
Ruby will be presenting at the College to our Year 7 and 8 girls on Monday April 8 and we look forward to participating in her workshops.
Ms Melanie Cramp | Leader of Students