Principal's Message

Easter Blessings to our College Community!
Easter is the pivotal part of our Catholic faith. For us as a Catholic Learning Community, it represents a time of both sorrow and hope with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Without Easter, without the Resurrection, we would face a future of darkness rather than the promise of eternal life. Easter is truly a time of celebration! We too are reborn with Christ on Easter morning and take a renewed spirit forward with us each day. I hope our families took time to take part in the Easter ceremonies in their local area and enjoy some restful time together sharing joyful family moments over the short Easter break.
Pope Francis’ words beautifully capture the essence of the Easter message:
Today, as pilgrims in search of hope, we cling to you, Risen Jesus. We turn our backs on death and open our hearts to you, for you are Life itself. Pope Francis, 2020
Feast of the Annunciation - 25 March
The Feast Of the Annunciation, which was celebrated last week, plays a central role in my own faith and those who have been in my office will know that a framed print of The Annunciation by Fra Angelico looks down on the table where many of our meetings take place. It is both a source of inspiration and of comfort to me.
The Feast of the Annunciation was celebrated as far back as the 4th or 5th century and this image depicts the angel Gabriel being sent to meet Mary and telling her not to fear because she has found grace with God and would give birth to the Son of God. Mary responded, “let it be done to me according to thy word.”
This particular Feast has a special place in my faith because it is a clear reminder of Mary’s role as a mother and nurturer and it links me at a personal and professional level with the parents of our College community. After all, at the heart of our Mission as a Catholic College, is the holistic education of our students and from that, our partnership with parents in the journey through secondary education. At a personal level, it also expresses my deep commitment to family and family values.
The Feast of the Annunciation celebrates God’s entrance into the human world through Jesus and Mary’s willingness to accept God’s command. I pray that we may all feel Mary’s motherly love and support as we go about our daily life as parents.
Catholic Schools Week Awards
Earlier in March, CEDWW celebrated Catholic Schools Week with many schools across the diocese promoting their communities, the educational offerings and outcomes offered by Catholic Education and participating in local and diocesan activities. A highlight of the week was the Catholic Schools Week Mass, celebrated by Bishop Mark Edwards and priests of the Diocese. This was followed by the Catholic Education Awards Dinner, where staff were recognised for their contribution. Congratulations to Daryl Lawrence, who was acclaimed for his service as an outstanding employee of the Diocese, and Bern Priest and Ruth Fraser who were recognised for 25 years and 30 years, respectively.
Athletics Carnival and Cross Country
In the last few weeks we have held both our Cross Country and the College Athletics Carnival, under the expert organisation Mr Nathan Irvine. The Athletics Carnival was again an enjoyable and successful College event. I congratulate students who excelled and those who assisted their House by entering into the many events. I also thank parents/carers who assisted and were present to support our students and cheer them on.
Year 7 2025 Enrolment Offers
Enrolment Offers for a place at Mater Dei in Year 7 in 2025 are being made prior to the end of this term. Any current Mater Dei family with a child commencing Year 7 next year who has not submitted an application form, should contact Mrs Michelle Clarke at the College urgently.
College Council News
The College Council AGM was held recently and I would like to take this opportunity to again acknowledge the work of the Council Members in 2023 who supported me in my role as Principal.
The Council provides a vital link with the parent body and I thank and congratulate the following parents who are members of the College Council in 2024:
Elected Members: Andrew McIntosh (Chair), Emma Peterson (Secretary), Andrew Nicholson and Kate Clancy.
Ex Officio Members: Val Thomas (Principal), Shaun Ellis (Assistant Principal) and Cath Banks (Bishop’s Representative)
Staff News
- Congratulations to Sophie and Jesse Munro on the safe arrival of baby Archie.
- Best wishes to Bianca Munro who commences Parental Leave at the end of this term. She will be replaced by Robyn Quinn for the remainder of the year and in Mrs Munro’s absence, Anna O’Brien will be Acting Leader of Pedagogy and Data.
- Best wishes to Darcy Kelly who will be on Parental Leave in Term 2.
- We recently farewelled and thanked Stephen Smith, who has been a part time member of the Grounds and Maintenance Team.
- We farewell and thank Jackie Walker, who will be replaced by Keira Barnes as a permanent teacher.
- Welcome to Marnie Grogan, who will be replacing Keira Barnes on a part time basis for the remainder of the year.
This is our last newsletter for Term 1, which finishes on Friday 12 April.
Term 2 resumes for all students on Tuesday, 30 April.
Monday 29 April is a Staff Professional Learning Day and the College is closed on that day.
I will be on Leave during the first six weeks of Term 2. Mr Shaun Ellis will be Acting Principal and Mrs Millie Bright will be Acting Assistant Principal during this time. As well, Matt Hope will be Leader of Curriculum and Courtney Dodds will take on the role of PDHPE Leader, assisted by Mrs Virginia Baggio.
In the spirit of Harmony Day, which we celebrated recently, we pray:
Send us courage, we pray, O Lord,
That we may follow your ways closely.
May our decisions be thoughtful and our actions kind
that we might live in loving harmony with others.
We ask these prayers in Jesus’ name. Amen.
As we commence the Season of Easter, I pray that our Risen Saviour will bless each of our families abundantly and be your loving guide.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal