
Student of the Week-Week 6

Student of the Week Awards - Week 7

FMM- Anna J

FJ- Benjamin L

1/2K - Otis B

1/2S -  Sophie B

1/2T - Louis C

3/4B -  Beatrix M

3/4J - Arlo L

3/4L - Callum T

3/4S - Holly H

5/6K - Adem N

5/6J - Mischa B

5/6CB- Norah D


Happy Birthday to ......


Week 7

Juliet C, Abigail L, Zoe S, Harry T, Karem E





Student Learning - 1/2

1/2K have been busy publishing narratives and making number lines.

In 1/2S we have been designing symbols and decorations for our Acknowledgement of Country.

We have also been planning and drafting our Narratives.