Message from the Principal Team

Week 7

Unknown Person Outside of School Update

Child safety is our number one priority at Carlton North Primary School. Today, at recess, an unknown person approached and started talking to some students playing near the Canning Street fence. We are very proud of the students who recognised that there was something not quite right about the situation and alerted a staff member on yard duty immediately. That staff member then rang through to alert Leadership. Upon hearing that there was an unknown, unwanted person many of our dedicated CNPS staff assisted. A Green Lockdown was called and all of the students went inside. This collective response to this incident highlights how fortunate we are to have such dedicated and caring staff who are genuinely concerned for the wellbeing of our students. We are also really proud of the Year 6 Buddies who were protective of the younger children and moved them away.


The parents of all students directly impacted by this incident have been contacted and some of those students accessed support through the Department of Education.


We ask that our parents and carers please speak with their children and let them know that it’s okay to say hello, wave, or be pleasant to people walking past the school. Occasionally, people behave in unexpected ways that may make people feel unsafe.


We also ask that you reinforce the message to our children that if any person makes them feel unsafe, they need to seek the support of a trusted adult and never share personal information.


Again, we are so proud of the children who recognised that the situation was uncomfortable and alerted the staff member on Yard Duty.


We will reiterate the same messages above at school. The police have also advised that the person has been released on bail with an exclusion order not to go near Carlton North Primary School. 



Our Year 3 and 5 students have completed the Writing and Reading NAPLAN assessments. Tomorrow, they will complete the Convention of Language Assessment, followed by the Numeracy assessment on Monday. All of our students have been taking these assessments in their stride.


Family and Teacher Conferences (student- parent/carer - teacher) Tuesday 19 March

Family and Teacher Conferences are on Tuesday 19 March. These 15-minute conferences are 3-way (student - parent/carer - teacher). 


Students will not attend classes/school on this day. We expect that all students attend the Family and Teacher Conference with their parents/carers. Team Kids will be available all day


The purpose of these conferences is to provide our students with voice and agency in their learning and empower them to share their goals and strategies with their families. The role of the classroom teacher is to facilitate this process and answer any questions about your child’s learning and/or wellbeing.


Bookings are now open and can be found under Conferences in Compass. (If on your phone, click on more in the bottom right corner, then click on conferences) Bookings will close on Sunday 17/03/24. 


Specialist teachers (Chris, Carla, Olivia and Ben) are available for optional conferences - 5 mins only. 


The classroom teacher conference time is limited to 15 minutes only and teachers must keep to that time. You can always book a meeting with your child’s teacher on another day if you require additional time or wish to discuss a query or concern without your child being present.If you have any issues booking, please contact the office for assistance on 9347 4822.


Digital Safety and Wellbeing Workshops - Evolve Education 

In Week 9 (last week of term) all students in Years 1 to 6 will be participating in Digital Safety and Wellbeing Workshops with Steve and Bec from Evolve Education. CNPS has engaged Steve and Bec to work with our students over the past 3 years. Each Year Level will participate in the following workshops

  • Defending my Data (Year 1/2)
  • Building Balance (Year 1/2)
  • Being Kind Online (Year 3/4)
  • Brain, Balance and Boundaries (Year 5/6)

Digital Safety and Wellbeing Workshop for Parents and Carers 

Tuesday 23 April 7:00pm


In Week 2 of Term 2, Steve and Bec from Evolve Education will conduct a Digital Safety and Wellbeing workshop for parents and carers. We strongly encourage at least one parent or carer from each family to attend this session.  As parents, we cannot keep up with the new challenges that our children are facing online however we can be informed. The workshops will cover the following topics:

  • Modelling safe and healthy practices at home
  • Participating in your child/young person’s online world
  • Communicating strategies to encourage help seeking
  • Supervising and supporting to minimise harm

Staff Professional Learning

Digital Drama - Risks, Responses and Reporting

This week, our teaching staff attended a professional learning session conducted by Steve and Bec from Evolve Education. This session was exceptional and extremely informative. Below are links to a video shared from Dolly’s Dream and a link to a report about children playing Roblox and being exposed to sexualised behaviours:


Teacher Excellence Program

Last Friday, James attended another day of professional learning in Numeracy as part of the Teacher Excellence Program at the Academy of Teaching and Leadership.


On Thursday, Carlye and Billy attended another day of professional learning in Literacy as part of the Teacher Excellence Program at the Academy of Teaching and Leadership.