Ulysses Community Report

 Britt, Belinda, Scott, Amanjot, Dafina, Natalia and Amandeep

What we have learnt in March


Writing: In our writing sessions, the students have been diving into the world of procedural texts. They've been practicing listing materials and steps on how to be, make, or do something. Through this, they're honing their ability to organize their thoughts coherently and communicate clearly. It's been delightful to see their creativity flourish as they craft their own procedural texts!

Reading: In reading, we've been delving into the various components of procedural texts. We've discussed the author's purpose behind these texts and how they serve as guides for various tasks. Additionally, we've encouraged students to make connections to the texts they're reading, enhancing their comprehension skills and fostering a deeper understanding of the material.  


Mathematics: Mathematics has been an exciting journey for our second graders as they've explored different strategies for addition and subtraction. They've been learning how to use manipulatives and number lines to aid in their addition, as well as discovering strategies like counting back and adding up to tackle subtraction problems. These foundational skills are crucial for their mathematical development, and we're thrilled to witness their progress!


Inquiry: Our inquiry topic recently has centred around the intriguing themes of families and technology, and how they've evolved over time. Through discussions, research, and various activities, students have gained insight into the changes that families and technology have undergone throughout history. It's been fascinating to see them make connections between the past and present, fostering a deeper appreciation for the world around them.Next Term we have an incursion happening. The documents have been released onto Compass to be signed and paid for.


SEL: During our Social and Emotional learning sessions we have been looking at maintaining and creating friendships. We have explored ways to solve issues and understand not to be bossy with our friends. Students are able to refer back to their work and explain what it takes to be a good friend.


Victorian Curriculum

Below is the link to the Victorian Curriculum if you would like to take a look at what we cover throughout the year.



Friendly Reminders

  • Next Term we have an incursion happening. The documents have been released onto Compass to be signed and paid for.
  • Doors open at 8:50am and dismissal is at 3:20pm.
  • Ensure your child’s belongings are clearly labelled. This includes clothing, drink bottles, hats and lunchboxes (lids too).
  • Please ensure that your child is reading their home reader for 15 minutes every night and that their reading log is filled in and signed by a parent/guardian.
  • We strongly encourage students to bring along some brain food (fruit and vegetables) that they may eat in class. It is important that this is included as an additional snack in their lunchbox.

Best wishes,

The year 2 Ulysses Community Teachers

Britt, Belinda, Scott, Amanjot, Dafina, Amandeep and Natalia.