
Prep Community

Welcome to The Argus-Xenica Community Newsletter, we have arrived at the end of Term 1 and looking back we are so proud of our community for putting together such a wonderful term. We have seen substantial progress in your child in all areas of the curriculum. Your child has now successfully adapted to a consistent school routine and have now understood the structure by which school will operate. 


Reading: In Reading, we are currently working on Phases 2 letter sounds in which students have started to blend sounds to create a word. We are also working on CVC words and how to read them. We have incorporated variable manipulatives such as magnetic letters and cut and paste activities to consolidate their learning. 


Writing: We are presently working on CVC words and segmenting sounds. We have developed a routine in which each day, children will be learning how to write a different letter of the alphabet. We are also working on how to write CVC words and how to recognise these words when writing. 

Maths: We are now focusing on data. Children are told to collect data with their peers about varying topics and to organise that data in telemarks. We are also working on counting and are working with students to name and write different numbers. This also ties in with the ordinal counting of numbers, which also proves beneficial in the data topic of our curriculum. 


Harmony Day

We teachers have thoroughly enjoyed this term and getting to know and teach all our students. We hope you enjoy your well-deserved holidays and come back well-rested and rejuvenated.  


Kind Regards, 


Argus-Xenica Team.