Casey Young Citizen Award

Finalist - Aish Anand

The Casey Community Awards recognise and celebrate the remarkable individuals and groups across the City of Casey for their positive contributions to the community. These groups and individuals are awarded for consistently going above and beyond in their contributions as volunteers, professionals, or community members.


Recently, I received news that I had been nominated for the Casey Young Citizen Award. I was elated, but I had absolutely no idea that I’d go on to become one of the finalists for this award! Being acknowledged and appreciated for my contributions to both the school, as well as our community, validated me; I was reassurance that all of my efforts in leadership positions and community groups have been making a difference in people’s lives. From providing free henna at Kambrya last year, to helping plan out events and activities for both Kambrya and the City of Casey, being involved in the community has been a wonderful experience.


Last year, when I didn’t get the Vice Captain title, I was a bit disappointed, feeling that my efforts were not wanted or accepted. However, it is moments like these that make all the work worth it!


The ceremony was so insightful, filled with positivity and inspiration from extremely talented people across the City of Casey. Meeting MPs Cassandra Fernando and Renee Heath felt surreal! And the constant talent surrounding me inspired me to continue working hard to make the Casey community a more inclusive, enjoyable, and safe place to live.


While I did not get the award, it went to a very deserving candidate who’d been volunteering in the disability service industry for years, having made numerous meaningful contributions. I’m grateful for having been selected as one of the finalists. It was an enriching experience that I’m going to remember forever!


by Aish Anand, Year 11