Star Student Awards

Star Students for the Fortnight

( Week 7 and Week 8 ) 


Junior Years

Mrs Caldow/Mrs Renato:

Logan Cox for his improvement in entering the classroom and trying his best.

Awesome work, Logan!

Krisha Chandwani for contributing more to classroom discussions. 

Thank you and well done Krisha!

Mrs Wardle:

Harsimran Kaur for always being kind and greeting her peers and teachers with a smile. Great job Harsimran!

Aaden Agnal for working hard at his table. 

Well done, Aden!

Mrs Weber:

Spencer Lane for being a hard worker and completing set tasks to an excellent standard

Great work Spencer!

Xavier Cox for doing such a great job with his morning reading. 

Well done on using your finger to track each word. 

Wonderful work Xavier!

Mr Maskell:

Snow Peatling for building her resilience and having a go at work that is challenging.

Antonette Del Rosario for improving in reading and moving to a new level.

Mrs Nicholson:

Renee Mbangi for having a great start at a new school and 

for trying her best at all her work.  

Keep up the great effort Renee!

James Buniel for always listening, doing his best and reading his reader.

Well done James!

Mrs Drummond:

Alessiofor being an excellent mathematician during our maths sessions. 

Well done Alessio!

Thinula for doing an amazing job during his literacy work and writing a creative story. Well done!

Mr Andronaco:

Sartaj for doing a fantastic job in his narrative writing and 

being a great classroom helper. 

Violet for doing an amazing job in her literacy work, and creating her own narrative. 


Middle Years:

Mr Secchi:

Lucy Mills for her focus and dedication during her writing. 

It has been wonderful to see you adapt to new routines to help you challenge yourself with your character and setting descriptions. 

Keep it up, Lucy!

Violet Richardson for her excellent work and perseverance in maths this week. 

She has been working hard on learning the process of 

adding 3 digit numbers with carrying. 

Keep it up, Violet!

Mrs Anderson:

Gar Gar for his effort in his maths in adding two and 

three digit numbers with renaming. Great work, Gar!

Elsie Lamb for a great attitude towards her maths work,

displaying confidence and accuracy in adding numbers when renaming is needed. Excellent work, Elsie!

Mr O'Hara:

Sadie Kelly for working hard to develop her addition skills. 

Great work Sadie!

Samrawit Morey for improving her understanding of speech in her writing. 

Keep it up Samra!

Mrs Dainton:

Piper for her amazing creative work. Her drawings are of a high quality. 

Piper reads well and writes amazing stories.

Well Done Piper !

Noah Luvara for his persistence in his Reading and Writing tasks. 

Noah is helpful in the classroom.

Well Done Noah!

Mr Howley:

William Kiel for his very creative & colourful drawings in response to 

our class novels and texts.

Ayra Baldi for  the excellent presentation of her homework. 

Ayra was able to find many adjectives.

Senior Years


Mr Lindon:

Philip Misipati for settling into our classroom environment showing our school values. Philip has also worked very well in the classroom contributing to class discussions. 

Isabelle Pensak - Isabelle has shown all of our class values, being respectful, being responsible and being her best during all of our lessons. 

Well done Isabelle!

Mr Beks:

Tom Bicknell for being extremely well-behaved throughout term 1 and for consistently displaying respect to teachers and classmates.

Lily Giuliani for being extremely well-behaved throughout term 1 and for consistently displaying respect to teachers and classmates.

Mr Poppa:

Grace Weber - Grace you have done some great work and you always model our class expectations:   Being Respectful, Responsible and your best at all times. 

Mille Grazie!

Dhyan Dev - Thank you Dhyan for always trying your best.  

You are responsible and respectful with all people you meet.  


Mr Searle:

Simret Bhinder -Simret has been excellent during our classroom discussions and has shown his knowledge of times tables during our multiplication lessons

Levi Collie -Levi has been excellent when he is required to do his work tasks. 

Thank you for being your best, being respectful and being responsible 

Miss Casey/Mr Quinn:

Paduol Padual for always doing his best work in Literacy, 

showing lots of motivation to get his work done. 

Keep being your best Paduol!

Isabelle Foster for being a kind and respectful classroom leader. 

Izzy has a great work ethic and sets the bar high for herself. 

Awesome work Izzy!