Prayer & Acknowledgment


We are praying  for ...

continued recognition and celebration of our diversity which brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. As we celebrate Harmony Week may we communicate the importance of cultural diversity.


Ourselves as we celebrate the feasts of both St. Patrick and St. Joseph. We know that both answered every trial in their lives by placing their trust in God. God asks us to do the same. May we have the same courage, faith and unwavering trust in our God.


God of all people, God of love,

Just as the colours of a rainbow blend and merge to form one rainbow, so too may the colours of our different cultures and beliefs, blend and merge in our families, our communities and throughout our world, through mutual respect and acceptance, so that we may come together in true harmony.



Acknowledgment of Country

St. Brendan's Primary School acknowledges and

 pays respect to the Yorta Yorta Nation, 

as the original ongoing custodians of 

the land we meet on.  

We commit ourselves to actively working alongside

 Aboriginal people for reconciliation and justice.