From the Deputy Principal
Caroline Wilson-Haffenden
From the Deputy Principal
Caroline Wilson-Haffenden
The Presentation values of respect, responsibility, relationships and resilience are the cornerstone on which we build our vision and underpin all that we do at St Mary’s College. On this note, the students are responsible for wearing their uniform correctly in line with the uniform guidelines. The way students present themselves in their uniforms is important, as it reflects their pride in both themselves and the school.
Please note the following expectations:
Formal uniform
The uniform for students in Kindergarten to Year 2 is the College PE uniform. Year 3 to 12 students wear the full formal uniform to school.
Sports uniform
The PE uniform may be worn to school on PE days, or if the student has a Sports Pass, or when advised by the College. Students may wear the track suits pants, or shorts to and from school.
Jewellery and piercings
Frequently asked questions:
Q. What if I am unable to wear the formal uniform?
Parents and carers are to write a signed note of explanation in the College diary.
Q. Can I wear my school dress/skirt all year?
Yes, SMC does not have specific terms for summer and winter uniform.
Q. When am I required to wear the College bucket hat?
The bucket hat must be worn when outside at recess and lunch time in Terms 1 and 4.
Q. As a Senior School student, can I travel to school in my school shorts when wearing the HPE uniform?
Yes, you may wear shorts to school. However, the skort is not to be worn to and from school.
Q. Is the blazer compulsory?
Yes, students must wear their blazer to and from school and at other times as required.
Q. What is the expected length of the skirt or summer dress?
Skirts and summer dresses must be to the knee or just above the knee.
Q. Are street shoes permitted with the HPE uniform?
No, shoes worn with the HPE uniform must be sports shoes.
We thank parents and carers for supporting our uniform policy. House leaders, middle school and year level coordinators, directors and teaching staff monitor students regularly to ensure that uniforms are worn correctly each day. When students are not doing so, a uniform infringement will be issued. Multiple infringements will result in a lunchtime and/or afterschool reflection.
Finally, and most importantly, learning improves when we minimise distractions. By getting the uniform right from the moment students walk out the front door, they can focus on the core business of school: learning.
To view the full uniform policy, please click the link here: St Mary's College School Uniform Guidelines