A message from Margie

We are all enjoying our new values theme for the term, BRAVE, under the Stand category of our school motto Learn, Stand, Give, Fly. The students have been launching the theme this week by considering what they think it means to be brave:
Sammy - being strong and courageous of what you fear.
Chastity - standing up for yourself and not giving up.
Anji - not being afraid to try something new.
Harriet - attempting something you haven't attempted before.
Elsa - facing something you might be scared of.
Thank you Parents and Friends:
...for the Colour Run
Thank you to Kate George for her superb organising of the Colour Run, and to all of the Parents and Friends for their fundraising efforts again this term. We'd also like to sincerely thank families for supporting the school so generously with your donations for the Colour Run - you raised an impressive $12,000.00! I guess it was worth the slime. 🥴
...a bathroom upgrade
Thank you also to the Parents and Friends for contributing to a major upgrade of children's bathrooms. They now have new sinks (with push taps), mirrors, tiles, hand driers, paper towel holders, and a fresh coat of paint. Next comes the most beautiful part of the upgrade. But I'm keeping that secret until it's finished. 🙃
... and our new trampolines!
The children are absolutely loving the new trampolines, paid for AGAIN by the Parents and Friends' fundraising efforts. Thank you also to Darren who took such care in installing the trampolines to ensure that our children are always safe. Families, we would love your help to keep everyone safe and to keep our trampolines in perfect shape. If you are here after hours, please only allow 1 person at a time on the trampolines, max 80kg, no 'flips', only socks or sneakers and no skateboards, bikes or any other items on the trampolines. We expect there may be some interest from others out of school hours, so please let us know if the trampolines are not being used respectfully. Thank you!
Terrific Kids
Congratulations to our Terrific Kids from last term, Vincenzo Pollifrone and Tilly Geers. Everyone at Uraidla Primary School thinks you are terrific kids! :)
Wheels Day
We had a glorious sunny autumn day for our annual Wheels Day last Friday. The kids had a wonderful time riding around the town oval, and the parade was a hit too! I want to acknowledge parents' efforts to help them to get dressed up in the space theme. I'd like to apologise once again for the extremely short notice. 😖 We will do better next time! 💪
Congratulations to the prize winners:
Reception Jess- Jono and Hazel
Reception Kelly- Edie and Leo
Year 1- Ezra and Zoe
Year 2- Eddie and Sienna
Year 3- Vincenzo and Mia
Year 4/5- Immy and Madi
Year 5/6- Nylah and Kyle
Photos of other students
With all of the school events recently, I'd just like to remind everyone that parents and carers are not permitted to take photos of children other than their own. We understand that families love to photograph their children having fun! However, for child safety purposes, we need to ask you to be careful to only include your own children in photos, or friends if you have the family's permission. If you have taken photos during the colour run or wheels day, please check that you do not have other children on your devices, and delete any you find. Thank you!
Anzac Day
We were proud to be represented by students Elly Koay and Jameson Stewart at this year's ANZAC Day service at the war memorial park adjacent the school.
Enrolment Processes
You may have heard that our enrolment processes have changed. We have grown so much in recent years that we have now run out of room and need to prioritise those students living within our catchment zone. If your family is already enrolled at the school, this does not apply to you! Present students and siblings do not need to live within our catchment zone.
** If you have a child due to start school at the start of next year, we need to have all enrolment forms completed within the next few weeks, please.**
See the School News section for further enrolment details.
Welcomes and Farewells
A very warm welcome to Alfie Freer, our new student in Jaya's Year 1 class, and his parents Amy and Lukas, his younger brother Oscar and sister Agnes! Welcome to our school community!
Finally, thank you all for helping with the after-school pick-up. It's been going so well this week with children finding their parents at the second bell, and I now feel confident that we can easily account for all students at the end of the school day.
A very Happy Mother's Day to all of the mums ~ I hope you will all enjoy the beautiful Autumn weather this weekend and some special times with your children! 🌞🍁🍂🌿