Assistant Principals' Report

Dear HPS Community,


Autism Acceptance Month

April is Autism Acceptance Month (AAM) and a great opportunity to celebrate our autistic students, learn more about how we can support and include them, and help foster understanding and acceptance of autism among all students. AAM is an offshoot of the United Nations’ sanctioned World Autism Awareness Day on Tuesday 2 April 2024. The day will begin a month of global events to celebrate autistic people.

Our school is committed to understanding, including and celebrating our autistic students and values the contribution they and their families make to our school.

To celebrate AAM, we would like to share some resources that support autistic students and their families.

The Department of Education has worked with organisations for autistic people and lead researchers in autism to develop new resources for schools to help us better understand, support and celebrate the strengths of autistic students. I hope you find them useful and insightful.


We want to thank all students, staff, parents and carers for their support this term. We wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and look forward to working with you all next term.


Have a great holiday break!


Helen Thomas & Monique Rankin

Assistant Principals

Heidelberg Primary School