Sustainability @ TPPS

Sustainability News
This fortnight in Sustainability, our Grade 6's have been learning how to identify types of soil. We can make “soil ribbons” with our fingers to test if we have sand, silt or clay or a blend of these. Some classes learned about fungi and its mycelium network that stretches out under the ground sharing nutrients with plants.
We are also making posters about saving water.
Grade 2 had a wonderful time making fragrant herb sachets with repurposed old clothes. They could choose between chamomile, peppermint, rosemary, lemongrass and ginger, vanilla and cinnamon, and lavender.
Our Preps visited the garden and noticed that some of the leaves are starting to change to their autumn colours. We had some special visitors in the chicken garden, rainbow lorikeets and a leaf insect!
The Grade 5s had a big working bee and did an amazing job! They composted, planted seeds for green manure and sugar snap peas, cleaned up the chicken coop, trimmed back the dead flowers and laid down new pea straw mulch. What an effort!
Well done Grade 5s!